loeselia mexicana

ESPINOSILLA (loeselia mexicana) - HIPERnatural.COM
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loeselia mexicana

Almaraduz, Bachichil, Checamicua tsitsiki (Purépecha) Chuparrosa, Espinosa, Espinosilla, Gallina blind, Guachichile (tepehuán) Herb of the virgin, Herb San Antonio, Huachichile, Huachichile (tepehuán) Huasicil, Maraduz, Mirto, Mirto red, Tarepi, Tarepi (Purépecha) Tsitsiki tsurhumu (Purépecha)

This plant has been used long and often is recommended for the treatment of respiratory illnesses such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, hoarseness and inflammation of the throat, and it serves to control fever during the postpartum period. The Espinosilla also is used for pain and inflammation of the stomach, indigestion, gall, dysentery, typhoid and vomiting. In all these cases, the parts of increased use of the branches, with or without flowers, ready to cook in their application or ingestion in washes, but in the postpartum period, the most common use is in bathrooms.

Plant which measured between 50 and 90 cm. tall, straight stems and leaves with pelillos oblong pointed end. Their trumpet - shaped flowers and fruits are small. The Espinosilla or Chuparrosa live in warm climates, semi, dry and mild. It grows wild in fields such as weeds and cultivation of temperate forests, associated with the tropical evergreen forest, Xeric scrublands and forests of pine and oak.


Herbaceous 50 to 80 cm. tall, with rigid sheets and rough texture with abundant hair.


Religious and ceremonial: The plant is used in classes of the fair.

Medicinal: For indigestion is caused by vomiting, taking tea with flowers in a pint of water during the unrest.

The cooking of the foliage is used for kidney stones, kidney inflammation, as a diuretic and purifying the blood, as a laxative and for cases of fright and bad of breath, vomiting, sales, bronchitis, coughing and hoarseness. It is also used to heat the gut and in the case of children héticos (in these cases is also used in infusion) The same cooking is used in baths taken in cases of erysipelas, rubella, measles, chicken pox and Postema. It also has been reported in cases of inflammation of the stomach, typhoid and topeaduras (constipation) and fever, aches for the bathrooms and postpartum flow.

The infusion of leaves is used for evil of urine, diarrhea and varices, for these ailments is used in cataplasms.

To reduce fever and relieve pain, headaches, takes the cooking of the leaves are washed, or give baths.

It is reported useful in cases of dysentery, stomach pain, indigestion, gall and as expectorant.

For the fever takes a tea prepared from the air with a fist in Doradillo 1 / 2 liters of water. It takes 3 times a day. As a remedy in general is an infusion with a fist of the plant in 1 / 2 liters of water and takes a cup fasting.

Domestic use: To avoid the hair is crushed the aerial parts of the plant and is smeared in order to avoid the drop and it is brilliant. It is also used as a fixative hair, so it has to extrujar for a lacquer. Another way to use the hair and dandruff, seborrhea and is used as rinse water for the fist cofoundation and a half of the plant dry to wash his head.


Inhabits forests of oak, pine, pine - oak, Junipero and other conifers. It is found between 1900 and 2500 m.


Does not receive management in the forest.


Is collected from July to September. according to which set the criteria, procedures and specifications to do the harvesting, transportation and storage of branches, leaves or ribs, flowers, fruits and seeds.


The espinosilla is widely used in the country. It is used in auto and is marketed both in dry and green, mixtures of herbs, alone or in packaged bundle. Offered in public markets, house by house, on demand and places of sale of natural products.

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