
frángula  rhamnus frangula

Hedionda (frángula  rhamnus frangula) - HIPERnatural.COM
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frángula  rhamnus frangula
Other Names:

Arraclán, Avellanillo, Hazel Bravi, smelly, Ollacarana, Sanapudio, Sangredo.

The great botanist Renaissance, Andrea Mattioli, in 1554 published an annotated edition of the medical Matter of Dioscorides, in which it said, as mentioned Font Quer, "the bark of frangula is a very mild laxative, which admirably clean the liver. But only be used dry green vomiting occurs. ".

Did not go unnoticed in this illustrious pioneer of botany, the curious process that occurs in the cortex of frangula: Fresh is toxic, and has an intense effect vomiting. But, over time, will spontaneously lose their toxicity, and gaining a remarkable medicinal virtue. After a year of drying, the bark of frangula becomes a valued remedy for constipation.

Habitat: abundant in the forests and damp of Europe and the northern half of Spain. Known and used in the Americas, where he also farmed species Rhamnus purshiana (shell sacred plant below this) whose medicinal properties are similar to those of Rhamnus frangula.

Description: shrub of the family of Ramnáceas, 2 - 3 m tall, without spines, small flowers with five petals. Da as a result of red berries in summer, black and shiny in the autumn, when ripe.

Used parts: the dried bark of the trunk and branches.

Properties and indications: the active ingredients of the crust are frangula Anthraquinone glycosides, which give the following properties:

Mild laxative action, but effective. No cause retortijones or liquid stools, or other disorders own side of laxatives irritants. Neither leads to loss of potassium and other minerals, or colitis secondary facts which are frequently in regular users of chemical laxatives. And, if this were not enough, the bowel is not accustomed to their jobs, so that its effects remain constant even when ingested over a long period of time. It is therefore ideal for those suffering from intestinal laziness many years, and have already tested several laxatives, without much success, sometimes with nothing undesirable side effects. These patients, who are often women, if they want to overcome this unpleasant condition, should continue to further dietary fiber in rice plant.

Colerética: as the botanist said Mattioli, the bark of frangula also for the smooth functioning of the liver by its effect colerética. Those suffering from acute and chronic hepatitis, various hepatopathies or even cirrhosis, will benefit from their use.

Use: decoction with 20 - 30 grams. shredded bark, old (one year at least) in half a liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes, if allowed to stand for a few hours, increasing their efficiency, filter and take 1 - 2 cups, preferably at night, to produce effect the next morning.

Cautions: the bark of frangula should not be taken together with baking soda, salt, fruit, milk of magnesia or any other alkaline, because their effect is significantly diminished. It was inadvisable to use in case of pregnancy, lactation and menstruation crises hemorrhoidal (inflamed hemorrhoids)

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