
Vitamins List
Vitamin A Vitamin A The Vitamin To is a liposoluble vitamin. This means that it works in complex lipids of the body, and comes in two forms. First, retinol, that is in ... More Information
Vitamin A - (retinol) Vitamin A - (retinol) The Vitamin To is a liposoluble vitamin. This means that it works in complex lipids of the body, and comes in two forms. First, retinol, that is in ... More Information
Folic Acid Folic Acid The fólico acid deserves special attention, since by to be essential in the processes of division and cellular multiplication, the necessities increa ... More Information
Vitamin B 1 - (thiamine) Vitamin B 1 - (thiamine) The B1 Vitamin or tiamina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly. Func ... More Information
Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1 The B1 Vitamin or tiamina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly. Func ... More Information
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) The B1 Vitamin or tiamina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly. Func ... More Information
Vitamin B 12 - (cobalamin) Vitamin B 12 - (cobalamin) This vitamin of vitaminic complex B only is in origin foods animal and comprises of essential coenzymes in all the cells. Function It participate ... More Information
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 This vitamin of vitaminic complex B only is in origin foods animal and comprises of essential coenzymes in all the cells. Function It participate ... More Information
Vitamin B13 Vitamin B13 Also denominated acid orótico, it is a vitamin of which it is known still very little. Function One knows that metaboliza the fólico acid and the ... More Information
Vitamin B15 Vitamin B15 Also denominated acid pangámico, he is an antirust one and therefore it protects the cells. Function It is first of all a aportador of oxygen sin ... More Information
Vitamin B17 Vitamin B17 Also denominated laetrile. Function We know still very little on her. It is a vitamin very controverted between the scientists Deficiency On ... More Information
Vitamin B 2 - (riboflavin) Vitamin B 2 - (riboflavin) The B2 Vitamin or riboflavina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly, an ... More Information
Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2 The B2 Vitamin or riboflavina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly, an ... More Information
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) The B2 Vitamin or riboflavina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) that enters and leaves the body daily, so it is due to consume constantly, an ... More Information
Vitamin B 3 - (niacin) Vitamin B 3 - (niacin) The B3 Vitamin or niacina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) like the B1 and B2, and works like part of 2 enzymes NAD and NADP. These work in ... More Information
Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 The B3 Vitamin or niacina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) like the B1 and B2, and works like part of 2 enzymes NAD and NADP. These work in ... More Information
Vitamin B 5 - (pantothenic acid) Vitamin B 5 - (pantothenic acid) This Acid belongs to the vitaminic complex B, hidrosolubles vitamins with multiple functions in the organism. Function Aid to release energy of f ... More Information
Vitamin B5 Vitamin B5 This Acid belongs to the vitaminic complex B, hidrosolubles vitamins with multiple functions in the organism. Function Aid to release energy of f ... More Information
Vitamin B5 (Niacin) Vitamin B5 (Niacin) This Acid belongs to the vitaminic complex B, hidrosolubles vitamins with multiple functions in the organism. Function Aid to release energy of f ... More Information
Vitamin B 6 - (pyridoxine) Vitamin B 6 - (pyridoxine) This vitamin of the complex B is also well-known like piridoxina, and also he is hidrosoluble. Function He is essential for the growth since it h ... More Information
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 This vitamin of the complex B is also well-known like piridoxina, and also he is hidrosoluble. Function He is essential for the growth since it h ... More Information
Vitamin B8 Vitamin B8 More well-known like biotina, it is member of group B. Conocida also like vitamin H. Function Essential for the metabolism of fats and proteins. ... More Information
Vitamin B9 Vitamin B9 More well-known like fólico acid, it is also member of group B. Function Along with the B12 participates in the synthesis of the DNA, the protein ... More Information
Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C, also well-known as acid ascórbico is excellent antirust a beneficial one in the neutralization of the action of free radicals. It is a hi ... More Information
Vitamin C - (ascorbic acid) Vitamin C - (ascorbic acid) Vitamin C, also well-known as acid ascórbico is excellent antirust a beneficial one in the neutralization of the action of free radicals. It is a hi ... More Information
Colina Colina Also a component of group B. Actu'a with inositol in the lecitina formation jointly can be considered, that has important functions in the lipídico s ... More Information
Vitamin D Vitamin D Vitamin D is part of the liposolubles vitamin group and is essential in the growth of the bones, as well as the mineral balance of the body. The sol ... More Information
Vitamin D - (calciferol) Vitamin D - (calciferol) Vitamin D is part of the liposolubles vitamin group and is essential in the growth of the bones, as well as the mineral balance of the body. The sol ... More Information
Vitamin E Vitamin E The Vitamin and is a liposoluble vitamin whose main function is to be an antirust agent. It is stored in the fatty weave, reason why it is not elimi ... More Information
Vitamin E - (tocopherol) Vitamin E - (tocopherol) The Vitamin and is a liposoluble vitamin whose main function is to be an antirust agent. It is stored in the fatty weave, reason why it is not elimi ... More Information
Vitamin F Vitamin F Function in the organism: It nourishes the skin, it works with vitamin D. Is a vital component in cellular membranes, nervous fibers, cerebral cells ... More Information
Vitamin F - (essential fatty acids) Vitamin F - (essential fatty acids) Function in the organism: It nourishes the skin, it works with vitamin D. Is a vital component in cellular membranes, nervous fibers, cerebral cells ... More Information
Vitamin H - (biotin) Vitamin H - (biotin) ... More Information
Inositol Inositol Form leaves from the complex B and is intimately united to the hill and the biotina. Form leaves from weaves of all the alive beings: in the animal ... More Information
Vitamin K Vitamin K It completes it of liposolubles vitamins, this is essential in the pro formation thrombin. Also call menadiona. Function Basic for the protein f ... More Information
Vitamin K - (Anti) Vitamin K - (Anti) It completes it of liposolubles vitamins, this is essential in the pro formation thrombin. Also call menadiona. Function Basic for the protein f ... More Information
Vitamin P Vitamin P Under this name the complex of bioflavonoides is grouped such as the citrina, the routine, the hesperidina, flavones and flavonoles, a group of compo ... More Information
Vitamin T Vitamin T It is known very little of this vitamin. Function We know that it helps to the coagulation of the blood and the formation of plaquetas, for that ... More Information
Vitamin U Vitamin U A vitamin of which still we know very little. Also well-known by menínico acid. Function Important in the treatment of the ulcers, since it stan ... More Information