fraxinus excelsior

FRESNO VIZCALLA (fraxinus excelsior) - HIPERnatural.COM
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fraxinus excelsior
Used Part.

The leaves (leaflets) the occasional bark.

Active Principles.

Leaves: Polyphenols: gálicos abundant tannins and catechists, flavonoids (rutoside, quercitrósido) Abundant mannitol, inositol. Iridoides and traces of coumarin (fraxósido)

Crust: abundant heterósidos coumarin (fraxinol, fraxósido, fraxidósido, esculósido) tannins, mannitol.

Drug Action.

Leaves: have a diuretic action (uricosuric - saluretics) sudorific, analgesic, anti - inflammatory, vulnerary (healing) and Vasoprotectives venotónica. The mannitol is osmotic laxative.

Crust: antipyretic. Popularly used as anthelmintic and astrigente.


Leaves: States that require an increase in urine output: genitourinary disorders (cystitis, ureteritis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, oliguria, urolithiasis) hiperazotemia, hyperuricemia, gout, high blood pressure, edema, overweight accompanied by fluid retention. Varicose veins, haemorrhoids. Flu, colds. Constipation.

Crust: febrile syndromes (flu, colds) Oxyuriasis, wounds, skin ulcerations.


Do not prescribe dosage forms with alcoholic content for oral administration in children under two years or consultants in the process of alcohol addiction.

Caution / Poisoning.

The use of diuretics in the presence of hypertension or heart disease, should be done only by prescription and under medical supervision, given the possibility of occurrence of decompensation or tension, if the elimination of potassium is considerable, enhancing the effect of cardiac.

Take into account the alcohol content of the fluid extract and tincture.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Infusion (leaflets) 10 to 30 g / l, infuse 10 minutes, 250 - 500 cc / day.

Decoction (bark) 20 g / l, boil 10 minutes. Two or three cups a day.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 10 to 30 drops three times daily.

Tincture (1: 10) 50 - 100 drops, two or three times a day.

Syrup (10% extract fluid) one to three tablespoons a day.

Dry extract (5: 1) 0. 3 to 1 g / day.

External use:

Decoction (leaflets) 40 g / l, boil 15 minutes. Apply in vulnerary as towels, and analgesic.


Benigni, R; Capra, C; Cattorini, P. Piante Medicinali. Chimica, Pharmacology and Therapy. Milano: Inverni & Della Beffa, 1962, pp. 618 - 20.

Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M. Dans la Plantes Les Thérapeutiques Moderne. 2. Paris: Maloine, 1986, pp. 217 - 8.

Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, p. 261.

Fernandez, M; Nieto, A. Medicinal Plants. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1982, p. 82.

Lastra, JJ; Bachiller, LI. Medicinal Plants in Asturias, Cantabria and the cornice. Gijón: Ediciones Trea, 1997, pp. 142 - 3.

Mulet, L. Ethnobotanical survey of the province of Castellon. Castellon: Provincial, 1991, pp. 191 - 2.

Mulet, L. Toxic Plants of Valencia. Castellon: Provincial, 1997, pp. 193 - 4.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take III. Paris: Masson, 1971, pp. 22.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Vanaclocha, B. Applied Fitoterapia. Valencia: M. I. Official College of Pharmacists, 1995, pp. 275 - 6.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 237.

Rivera, D; Obon, C. The Guide INCAFE of useful and Poisonous Plants of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearics. Madrid: INCAFE, 1991, pp. 902 - 3.

Van Hellemont, J. Compendium of Phytothérapie. Bruxelles: Association Pharmaceutique Belge, 1986, pp. 165 - 6.

Villar, L; Palacín, JM; Calvo, C. Gomez, D; Montserrat, G. Medicinal Plants of the Aragonese Pyrenees and other tierrras Huesca. 2. Huesca: Provincial, 1992, p. 106.

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