
urtica dioca

Nettle (urtica dioca) - HIPERnatural.COM
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urtica dioca
Used the root and herb. It also uses the fresh plant. The leaves and fresh plant contain chlorophyll, minerals (iron, calcium, silica. Sulfur, potassium and manganese) that confer remineralizing properties, restorative,

and anti antiateromatosa. It also has minerals, organic acids (formic, acetic) histamine, acetylcholine and tannins responsible for its diuretic action, favors the elimination of uric acid, colagoga, purifying (is often used in cases of allergy to shellfish and marine crustaceans) Antihaemorrhagics, Astringent, antirheumatic, gout, galactógena and hypoglycemic. Skin irritation that produces contact with the leaves is due to their content of organic acids (formic) histamine and ocetílcolina. To counter their action may be used mentastro or mastranzo, the romaza or mauve.

The root is rich in tannins that give it an astringent. In the form of alcoholic extract is used in the prostate adenoma, as it improves voiding disorders in benign prostatic hypertrophy. In external use is healing, soothing and deodorant.

Indicated in anemia, rickets, fatigue, bleeding (epistaxis, hemoptysis, metrorrhagia, etc. rheumatism, gout, hyperuricemia, dermatitis, edema, depurativas cure, prevent arteriosclerosis, oliguria, obesity, diabetes, vaginitis, and so on.

In external use is used in rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica and hair.

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