helichrysum stoechas

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helichrysum stoechas
Used Part.

The flowering tops of the Mediterranean Everlasting (Helichrysum stoechas (L. Moench) or the European (Helichrysum arenarium (L. Moench)

Active Principles.

Essential oil: Neryl acetate, furfural, alpha - pinene. Flavonoids: helicrisina B (salipurpósido, chalcone responsible for the color of the bracts involucral) isosalipurpósido, derivatives luteolol, quercetol and kenferol. Phytosterols: beta - sitosterol. Phloroglucinol derivatives: helipirona, italipirona, plicatipirona; derived from acetophenone: arenol, homoarenol.

Drug Action.

Antiinflammatory, antitusivo, anti - bacterial (Gram + antifungal (Candida albicans, Mycobacterium phlei) expectorant, diuretic, colerética, colagogo. Popularly used also as febrífugo, anthelmintic, and so magical, as Antihaemorrhoidals.


Respiratory allergies, influenza, colds, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Gastritis, hepatitis, liver and gall bladder dyskinesias, cholecystitis.

Cystitis, urethritis.

In topical use: eczema, blefaroconjuntivitis, parodontopatías, candidiasis and other dermatomycosis, vulvovaginitis.


Hypersensitivity to the essential oil.

The essential oil should not be prescribed orally during pregnancy, lactation or young children.

Do not prescribe oral dosage forms with alcohol content to children under two years or consultants in the process of alcohol addiction.

Caution / Poisoning.

Take into account the alcohol content of the fluid extract and tincture.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Infusion: 1 or 2 tablespoons per cup dessert. Boil 2 minutes. 1 - 2 times a day, after meals.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 30 - 50 drops, one to three times a day.

Tincture (1: 5) 50 - 100 drops, two or three times a day.

Syrup (5 - 10% extract fluid) 1 - 3 cucharadadas a day.

Topical use:

Infusion, applied in the form of washes, mouthwashes gargarismos, towels, bath eye (isotonizar) irrigations, instillations, and so on.

Glycolic or fluid extract (1: 5) dyeing or gels or creams made from them.


Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, pp. 404.

Mulet, L. Ethnobotanical survey of the province of Castellon. Castellon: Provincial, 1991, pp. 208 - 12.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take III. Paris: Masson, 1971, p. 455.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Vanaclocha, B. Applied Fitoterapia. Valencia: M. I. Official College of Pharmacists, 1995, p. 471.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 110.

Rios, JL; Recio, MC; Villar A. Isolation and identification of the antibacterial compounds from Helichysum stoechas. J. Ethnopharmacol. May - June 1991; 33 (1 - 2) 51 - 5.

WICHTL, M. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceutical. A Handbook for Practice on a scientific basis. Stuttgart: Medpharm Scientific Publishers, 1994, pp. 257 - 60.

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