croton lechleri

BLOOD DRAGO (croton lechleri) - HIPERnatural.COM
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croton lechleri

Latin name: Croton LECHLERI Muell. Arg.

Other Names:





The most common uses of this plant originally from Mexico, Central America and South America, are the direct application of latex and bark in skin infections such as herpes, scabies, dandruff, seborrhea and minor external wounds; infusion of the same for stomach pain, diarrhea, empacho, vomiting, stomach pain, gallbladder, tuberculosis, mouth ulcers and lesions on the gums; washed in for cases of sores; as gargle in sore throat and other ailments mouth and bark ground to bite Snake, used on the wound. On the other hand, your job is so old that from the Colony, the former Mexican much appreciated because this plant cured the pain of chest and eyes; also used as a diuretic. The places where it grows are in Mexico, Central America, Panama and South America.

Tree of up to 15 m in height, trunk and bark smooth running from gray to brown; possesses abundant in the upper branches and leaves big ACORAZONADO. The flowers in clusters long, rounded shape of fruits originate. It is found in warm climates, temperate and semi. The Sangregado originates in our country and grows associated with the tropical evergreen forest, subperenifolia and the cloud forest mountain.


Division: Angiospermas.

Class: Dicots.


Genre: Croton.

Source: PERU.

Height: 12 - 20 meters.


Is performed to obtain the rainy season and latex in the early hours of the morning, otherwise your collection is minimal.

Part Clerk: Latex.


The ideal tree for obtaining latex should measure more than 18 meters tall and have a diameter of 0. 5 meters. It was scraping the crust with a machine clean and adequate, and makes every 5 cm incisions. approximately. As we approach the branches, the latex becomes more dense and more quickly emerges.

Characteristics of Latex:

The latex presents a similar appearance to that of human blood and certain physical properties are common between them. It is a liquid substance in red, slightly dense and high viscosity; in contact with air hardens quickly, leaving a significant stain on the site of application; to be agitated or friction on the skin, leaving plenty of foam, has a great power membership, its smell is pleasant, but not to its taste is bitter, is not miscible in water, but in alcohol at room temperature, and its boiling point 91 ° C and 0 º C freezing. It is not flammable.


It is noted as the primary indication in the use of Sangre de Drago, their healing effects of internal and external.

Vaisberg et al, 1989, describes the healing power of both the "Sangre de Drago" Taspinar as the alkaloid isolated in it, because the Taspinar induces cell migration into the wound area.

On the other hand, using as a bioassay stimulation of endothelial cells from human umbilical veins, Pieters and colleagues (1992. 1993) conducted a fractionation guided by bioassay, this showed that the 3 - 4 - 0 - Dimetilcedrusin of the Sangre de Drago Stimulates endothelial cells.

These researchers noted in their studies, the experiments conducted to assess the healing activity confirmed the healing effect of the Sangre de Drago. The 3 - 4 - 0 - dimetilcedrusin also improved healing in vivo.

The assessment of preparations treated with microscopic blood Drago, revealed that there were almost no difference between the tissues old, healthy and newly formed, indicating a very effective sanitation. The formation of a new epidermal layer was almost complete.

The effect of healing of the Sangre de Drago crude was better than that observed with ointments containing the 3 - 4 - 0 - dimetilcedrusin. This was due to the physical effect of polyphenols (Proanthocyanidins) present in the Sangre de Drago, which precipitated proteins and cells form a dark crust that covers the wound.

Main components:

It has been shown the presence of alkaloids and has identified the alkaloid Taspinar. Pieters et al (1993) Asylum two lignans dihydrobenzofuran 3 ', 4 - 0 - dimetilcedrusina, and 4 - 0 - metilcedrusin blood grade. Both the Taspinar like Lignano 3 ', 4 - 0 - dimetilcedrusina are Biactive. Also, have been reported from catechins and procianidina? I and? 4.

Terpenes, such as the Diterpenoid clerodánicos lactones: Korberina A and B Korberina (C. lechleri, bark. CAI and collaborators. 1993) Beta - sitosterol, stigmasterol, castaprenol, vomifoliol, ergasterol - 5alfa - 8alfa - endoperoxide (Hernandez and J. G. Delgado, 1992)

Used Part.

Gooey latex obtained by incision of the trunk. In ethno - employed, with the same name and particulars other species: C. draconoides M. Arg. C. erythrochilus M. Arg; C. huitorum Croizat; C. palanostigma M. Klotzsch and C. perpeciosus Croizat.

Active Principles.

It contains polyphenolic derivatives: abundant gálicos derivatives and catechists, proantocianidósidos - beta 1 and beta - 4. Alkaloids: Taspinar. Lignans dihydrobenzofuran: 3 ', 4 - 0 - dimetilcedrusina, 4 - 0 - metilcedrusina. Diterpenoides type clerodano: korberinas A and B. b - sistosterol.

Drug Action.

It is used as an astringent: hemostatic, healing, antidiarrheal, anti - inflammatory and anti - tumor. It has also been experimentally verified its antioxidant effect, strongly antibacterial and antiviral. For its taste is bitter aperitif and digestive.


In topical: oral thrush, parodontopatías, erosions in the oral mucosa, wounds, burns, skin ulcers, pharyngitis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, dermatitis.

In internal use: anorexia, dyspepsia hiposecretoras, gastric ulcers, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis.


Pregnancy, infancy, children (oral) for their content of alkaloids.

Side Effects.

The tannins are bitter and principles of the secretion inducers cloropéptica (see precautions)

Caution / Poisoning.

The blood of drago has been effective in the treatment of gastric ulcers, inhibiting the growth of Helicobacter pylori. When prescribing for patients with dyspepsia hipersecretoras recommend his administration postprandial associated with a tisane demulcent (marshmallow, mallow, styles of corn, etc. In case of gastric intolerance, stopping treatment.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Latex: 10 - 15 drops one to three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals. In hipersecretoras case of dyspepsia, see the section on precautions.

External use:

Latex: Apply enough for an extended time, cover the area to be treated. Leave to dry and renew the application two to four times a day.

Resin: Popularly, in Peru, the powder is diluted by the resin in an infusion of plantain and is applied topically (washed, towels, vaginal irrigation, enemas, or mouthwashes gargarismos)


Cai, Y. et al. Polyphenolic compounds from Croton lechleri. Phytochemistry, 1991; 30 (6) 2033 - 40.

Cai, Y. et al. Diterpenoid from Croton lechleri. Phytochemistry, 1993; 32 (3) 755 - 60.

Chen, ZP. et al. Studies on the anti - tumor, anti - bacterial, and wound - healing properties of dragon's blood. Planta Med, 1994 Dec, 60 (6) 541 - 5.

Gupta, MP. 270 Medicinal Plants Ibero - American. Santafe de Bogota: Latin American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) 1995, pp. 278 - 80.

Phillipson, JD. A matter of some sensitivity. Phytochemistry, 1995 Apr; 38 (6) 1319 - 43.

Zapata, RE. In vitro antimicrobial activity of the drug marketed as Sangre de Grado. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, 1987.

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