Disease information

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Dislexia, is the term that is used to mainly identify a disease that it has to do with problems of learning or upheavals in the cognitivas and comunicativas abilities, in the areas of the language, the reading, the writing and the mathematics.

The difficulties of the learning, generally, whatever these are, interfere with the capacity of the boy to process information and among them they are: the mental delay, the cerebral hyperactivity, autismo, tumors, depression, syndrome of fetal alcoholism, auditory injuries in the head, losses, exhibition to the lead, hidrocefalia, uncontrollable and serious schizophrenia and cases of epilepsy.

Dislexia, is nevertheless a problem that presents / displays children and children whose intellectual coefficient is normal and apparently do not present / display another kind of physical or mental problems that can explain their difficulty to learn to read and to communicate verbally with the others.

This problem as much affects between a 10% or 15% of the population student as adult and with a greater incidence in men than in women. One calculates that more or less they can have a boy with dislexia in a group of 25 students. Some cases usually are fleeting and very complicated others.

A severe additional problem is that since the education of the first scholastic years is focused to develop to abilities of reading, writing, language and mathematics, these children generally are catalogued of loose or delayed mental, by lack of a suitable and opportune diagnosis, because its level is below awaited based on its age and intelligence.

Dislexia also affects short term the memory and the perception of order and sequence.

Between the less serious forms of manifestation, they are: cecear or stuttering, to arm puzzle, to tie cords of the shoes and other fine coordinations. Between most serious it is the incapacity to interpret certain sounds or muscular or physical words or problems.

Upheavals that affect the motor coordination and other abilities in absence of neurological problems, muscular or physical.

These include / understand the difficulty to learn to write, to tie cords of the shoes, to arm puzzle and to carry out other tasks that require a fine coordination.

The children and children who suffer dislexia, generally, have a deficient coordination from small and the language problems are obvious from early age. They take generally in learning to walk and to speak. But the upheavals that affect the scholastic abilities show generally when the young one already attends the school.

Dislexia goes sometimes united to another kind of problems of learning like the disgrafía, that is the difficulty in the correct layout of the letters, in the parallelism of the lines, the size of the letters, the pressure of the writing and the disortografía, that is the difficulty for the correct use of the orthographic rules from most basic to most precise.

Also it is associated to pronunciación difficulties, mainly of new, long words or that contain combinations of letters of the type of which they produce difficulties to him in the reading.

Another related aspect is discalculia, related to the learning of the mathematics.

Between the factors considered like predisponentes, they are:

the inheritance, when some relative with dislexia has existed in the family.

the low weight when being born, caused by bad feeding of the mother, tabaquismo, alcoholism, drogradicción or abuse of drugs during the pregnancy.

the lack of early stimulation on the part of the parents and other people who take care of the baby, their negligence and abandonment.

Some investigators affirm that also it is possible to have to the excessive or insufficient development of some of the sides or cerebral hemispheres.

Important the content of this note is informative and it does not replace specialized the psico - pedagogical and medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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