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Stress and depression.


Stress is a nonspecific answer of the organism to an aggression or an stimulation. The aggression can be of two types:

•Física: blows, wounds, pain, scent, noise, cold.

•Psíquica: irritation, dissatisfaction, fear.

The answer to the estresante agent is translated in a cascade of identical physiological reactions, stereotyped that allow to maintain a certain balance biological.

The answer is originated with the intervention of two levels of defense that interact among them:

•El nervous system.

•El endocrino system.

Stress has like consequence an stimulation of the hypothalamus that causes, on the one hand, an increase of the ortosimpático tone and by another one, a brutal increase of secretions of the hipotálamo - hipofisario axis, the suprarrenal marrow (noradrenaline and adrenalin) and of the suprarrenal crust (cortisol)


The external manifestations of stress are easily reconocibles. They can be pronounced by means of a panic or anguish crisis:



•Dolor or torácica annoyance.

•Sensación of asphyxia.




In case of aggression or prolonged stress, it is possible to be arrived at a generalized state of anxiety. In this case it is frequent that a descompensación with expression of functional signs takes place that vary according to the weak points of the organism.

These functional signs are pronounced in four great categories of symptoms:

• neurovegetativos Upheavals: sudorosas palpitaciones, hands or you cold, dryness of mouth, "knots" in the stomach, nauseas, diarreas.

•Problemas motor: contractions, tremors, crispation of the face, agitation.

•Problemas of the watch: hyperwatch, problems of concentration, irritability, insomnia.

•Problemas of humor: it distresses, restlessness, pesimism, fear.

When stress becomes chronic can get to be devastating. We attended in these cases, to authentic psychic or physical pathologies:

•Problemas digestive: hemorrágicas ulcers of stomach, straight - colitis.

•Problemas gynecological: benign lack of ovulation, hypofertility, mammary affections.

•Problemas cardiovascular: arterial hypertension, aterosclerosis, infarcts, problems of the rate.

•Problemas cutaneous: psoriasis, eczema.

allergic •Manifestaciones: urticaria, asthma.

•Problemas nervous: depression, migraines, impotence.

cancerous •Transformaciones.

The time of exhibition to the stress conditions the vulnerability of the organism and the problems that causes. But the human beings we are not all equal ones before an aggression. Certain specialists schematically group the individuals in three psychological profiles:

Type A:

Subject extroverted, dynamic, hyperactive, often aggressive, ambitious, impatient. Stress is its motor. The reaction to the aggression easily is expressed, often of excessive form. The body responds with a massive adrenalin secretion. These individuals are prone to suffer cardiovascular affections.

Type C:

Subject introvert, totally repressed. Stress is an inhibitor for him. It often eludes the responsibilities. It is described to him erroneously like calm. In the biological plane, its behavior is translated in intense secretions of cor tisol. Prone to suffer immune pathologies, infections, reumatismos, depressions, cancer.

The B type:

Subject intermediate or difficult to classify. Stress stimulates to him or it inhibits to him. The B type represents the ideal type of behavior. But in case of continued and repeated aggressions, this subject can tilt easily towards category C.


1. Fitoterapia.

Several vegetal species exist to our disposition that present / display an interesting activity in the treatment of the phenomena of distonía neurovegetativa. With regard to the anxiety and to stress, they are used in association, particularly three: Pasiflora, Valeriana and Espino to albar. The actions of these medicinal plants will not be repeated since they have been described previously.


The relation between stress and the depression often supposes diagnosis problems. In effect, the depressive pathology goes almost always accompanied of anxiety problems. In order to differentiate them, it is tried to find signs specific of the depression such as: intense sadness or pessimistic preoccupation, agitation, autodesprecio, physical changes (insomnia, anorexy, loss of vital impulse, enthusiasm and the líbido one) mental slowness, etc.

Plants adapted for this disease.

Hawthorn to albar.



Hipérico / Hierba of San Juan.

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