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Venous Iinsuficiencia.


The venous insufficiency is a chronic disease of progressive evolution. It begins with functional signs, at first, little excellent:

• Sensation of slowness.

• Creeps and swelling of the extremities.

Later, the signs are accentuated with appearance of:

• Edema during the night, settling progressively during the day,

• nocturnal Cramps,

• Finally, edema chronic.

The sensation of slowness of legs is frequently bilateral. One attenuates with the march and when putting the legs in stop. Edema is the consequence of a diminution of the parietal tone of the veins and the capillaries. This diminution of the resistance of the glasses entails a vasodilatación and an increase of the hair permeability.


1. Practical advice.

It is necessary to follow a certain number of simple rules and advice of life hygiene:

• Evitar long periods of foot or seated, to fight against the sedentarismo, to loosen up the legs; to practice a physical exercise regularly: strolls, bicycle, swimming.

• Evitar the very hot heat sources, baths, solar exhibition.

• Prescindir narrow clothes that causes a containment tightened in the leg.

• Reducir the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

• Dormir if it is necessary with the legs slightly elevated.

2. Fitoterapia.

It is not necessary to forget that a great part of the proposed chemical treatments for the venous insufficiency is derived from medicinal plants.

We could select some plants that have a great effectiveness associated to a perfect tolerance. The venotrópicas plants have active substances that differ by their chemical composition. Nevertheless, its therapeutic action can be explained schematically of two forms:

• Stimulation of muscular fibers of the venous wall; they are the venotónicas plants: rusco, hamamelis.

• vitaminic Action P: diminution of the hair permeability and increase of the resistance of the wall of the blood vessels: red, brown grapevine of Indians, cypress.

Ginkgo she - wolf deserves a mention aside. It has multiple activities at vascular level, as well as exceptional an antirust power.

Venotónicas plants.

The venotónicas plants have components that act on the motricidad of smooth muscular fibers. They increase the vigor of the venous wall and they are against the expansion of the vein. This action is exerted, either directly on the nervous completion favoring the noradrenaline liberation, or on smooth the muscular cell activating the adrenérgicos receivers.

Within the venotónicas plants, the main representative is rusco, followed by hamamelis.

Plants with vitaminic action P.

As it is already known does not exist a P vitamin, but a set of substances that have an equivalent activity: reinforcement of the venous resistance and diminution of the hair permeability. This it is known more commonly as vitaminic factor P. These substances belong to the chemical group of the flavonoides in all their meaning, with a common flavónico skeleton.

They are in flavónicos pigment form. Its mechanism of action at level of the venous wall has still not been explained completely. Some investigators think that he is a mechanism of enzymatic inhibition. Experiments in vitro have demonstrated clearly the capacity of flavónicos compounds to inhibit enzymes of degradation of the conjuntivo weave. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that these substances stabilize the structure of the colágeno, doing it less sensible to any type of aggression. These two actions, enzymatic inhibition and stabilization of the colágeno, seem reinforced by the antirust power of flavónicos pigments. These pigments have the property to be against to the formation of free radicals that attack lipids of membranes of endotelio vascular. The protection of these membranes is fundamental since the endoteliales cells need an integrity of the perfect membrane to conserve their physiological permeability. Therefore, the flavonoides diminish the formation of lipoperóxidos of great toxicity for the structures of the conjuntivo weave. The flavónicos pigments are powerful protectors of the set of the venous túnica.

The plants with vitaminic activity P are of great effectiveness in the problems of venous insufficiency. Next we will see with detail: cypress, chestnut tree of Indians and red grapevine.

3. Antirust.

We have seen that the free radicals are responsible partly for the membrane disorders and the conjuntivo weave of the venous diseases. In addition surveys exist epidemiologists, who demonstrate a negative correlation between the venous disease and the dose of vitamin And a complementary vitamin contribution and or tocoferol seems therefore indicated in case of venous insufficiency.

This vitamin is antirust a natural one, that is to say, it acts against the oxidativos phenomena due mainly to its property to react with the free radicals. Being liposoluble, it penetrates in the cell and it takes part preferredly in the nucleus of cellular membranes.

Tocoferol plays an effective role like switch of the reactions of radicals in chain, interposing in the double layer of the phospholipids of membranes. It has a good protective activity against the lipídica peroxidation.

He is interesting to indicate that the flavonoides, contrary to the vitamin and, are antirust hidrosolubles. Therefore, they complement to the vitamin and in the hydrophilic phase of extracellular means.

It is logical, for that reason, to associate these two types of substances, hidrofílicas and lipofílicas. One, acting directly in the site of production of free radicals, and the other taking part in the cellular membrane when constituting a wall against the peroxidation and the propagation of the oxidativo attack.

Plants adapted for this disease.




Chestnut tree of Indians.

Red grapevine.


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