tropaeolum majus

CAPUCHINO (tropaeolum majus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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tropaeolum majus
Castilian: nasturtium, marañuela, Pelón, flower of blood, wounds of Christ, spur of trouser, pajarillamastuerzo de Indias.

English: large Indian Cress, common nasturtium,




The whole plant.


Annual succulent, weak, hairless, stems up to 30 cm. long.




Up to 35 cm.


Alternate, not entirely orbicular of 30 cm. in diameter, FLAC and long petioles.


Lonely, very colorful and showy, embrace from the intense orange to yellow.

Goblet has five sepals and five petals Corolla somewhat uneven up to 3 cm. long.

Flowers event all year depending on the weather of the place, but preferably from June to November.


Fleshy, white and 12 mm wide.

Propagation: By seeds outdoors from March to May.


It is very grown in gardens and orchards proliferate easily in the fields that are not lacking moisture. He preferred something shady places.


Essential oil. 0. 03%.

Tiocinato Benzyl derivative of glucotrepeolina - ascorbic acid - isoquercitina - helenina.


Aphrodisiac, anti, antibiotic (thanks to its content tiocinato benzoate) antiscorbutic, antinefrítico, appetizer, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, laxative (Their nuts) vulnerary, emenagogo, Tonic.


Disorders of urinary tract, Alopecia, Avitaminosis, bronchitis, cystitis, Colds, invigorate the scalp, nephritis, urinary tract infections, influenza, with dandruff Hair (decoctions or shampoos) injuries (Sheets in the form of cataplasms) contusion (Shaped leaves cataplasms)


Through domestic and large doses can irritate the stomach due to its content tiocinato Benzyl.


Seed powder.

Up to 2 g in several times a day.


Source of vitamin C, is very useful in salads. People prone to suffer from seizures should eat raw every day. It is a good antispasmodic.


We are going to refer to how the recommended Dr. Luis G. Cabrera of Mexico: "The plant should be used as maceration of the stems, leaves and seeds, Crushing advance and leaving them for 12 hours in water (two or three grams of water for 15) to take that amount in fasting for two or three days ".

Mother tincture.

Up to 30 drops three times per day.

Against pertussis, whooping cough, cold and bronchitis.

4 pound fresh leaves and put them to macerate in 3 / 4 liter of cold water for at least 12 hours. Filter.

Dosage: drink one or two glasses a day preferably with a good tablespoon of honey.

Wounds and ulcers, sores.

The fresh leaves of the nasturtium applied as a poultice are antiseptic, preventing infection of wounds and sores and accelerating the healing.

Canker, stye in his mouth and fires.

The juice of the leaves and flowers are applied in the affected areas.

High blood cholesterol, diseases of the liver, kidney, prostate and urinary tract.

Take 20 drops of tincture of nasturtium in half a glass of water three times a day.

The same tincture of friction in a way relieves the external use "makhurkha" or muscle pain and bone pain.

Insecticide against flies, fleas.

A few friends of mine who breed dogs are recommended for Seeding hooded around kennels which managed to eliminate the big problem with fleas in the summer.

Also, the infusion of this plant is very useful for spraying places where there are flies and fleas. It also can be applied to the body of animals that contain ticks and other parasites. Do not use in cows as it is toxic and lick.

Pneumonia, inflammation of kidneys, bladder and urinary tract.

4 pound fresh leaves and put them to macerate in 3 / 4 liter of cold water for at least 12 hours. Filter.

Dosage: drink the entire contents spread throughout the day to day preferably with a good tablespoon of honey.


Commentary from Dr. Monard (1578)

"The road flock and put the juice in any della consolidates the wound fresh and healthy, curandola for the first INTENT: della and use nothing less than using the Snuff, pa rezientes wounds, washing with the juice and setting the top borujo ".

Comment father's Cobo in 1653 from Peru:

"The Indians call him ticsau, and the Spanish cress of the Indies. The Indians are given a bath with the cooking pot when they feel stressed with headache, and if the pain is all over the body, they swim in and around the with leaves as with the Rayz, and if they have postillas, grains and other infections of the scalp, are free through the bathing Dellas: cozimiento and the wine made from dried and clean the wounds ".

Fray Juan Navarro.

He gave the name of 'cress of Peru "because the leaves and flowers have a spicy flavor similar to that of watercress. And in his manuscript "American Garden" describes the copies of nasturtium mexicana "Pelonxotitl, or cress of Peru, because there will be brought. In Spain they call it the nasturtium, as I heard her say to Don Vicente Cervantes, a professor of botany at Mexico City. It is hot and dry almost in fourth grade. Their flowers in salad, are useful for cold or sore stomachs for sale, and Majid are applied to the chest against the cough. The leaves and flowers are distilled in flocks Alquitar with a few grains of alum, and I washed the sores in the mouth even if they are, and is as good as the light water ".

Its cultivation.

Even easy cultivation in terraces and gardens as a vine. Very rich in vitamin C.

Some kennels sow nasturtium in their fences to preserve the dogs of lice and other parasites.

In our garden we must sembrarla leaving enough space to be extended, otherwise it would invade to other plants.

Potted plant also can be made while not as great as in direct ground. In the balconies with a pot large enough can give a touch of color to the balcony if you let them mesh into the railing.

Advisable regarla is not too much as it would lead to rot their roots and the plant dies. An irrigation a week will suffice.


In mid - summer, before they flourish because they possess more vitamins. Collect the leaves in the afternoon at the last minute.

Other related species.

Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz and Pavón.

Also called Cubi, Nabi, Anu. This species is from the tropical Andes of South America, which grow between 2, 500 and 3, 500 m above sea level, especially in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. They are known varieties. With regard to these species Cobo's father says that: "Under this root has to suppress appetite venereum, as the Indians say, and thus argue that sent the Kings lead the Incas of Peru copy of this to maintain their armies, so that eating him their soldiers, they forgot their wives. The cooking of these roots taken fasting with sugar, remove the pecguguera, and the fact cozimiento with these roots and those of parsley and drunk fasting with lime juice, bankruptcy Stone the kidneys and bladder ".

As its name suggests, has a cone - shaped tubers, which are part of the medicinal plant. The stems are succulent and reddish, presenting the flowers 1 Corolla cm. long, purplish - red purple. It has been found among its active ingredients mirosina, mustard benzil. The tubers are edible and an intense flavor to iron. Its tender leaves, like the capuchin above, are consumed raw in salads. This plant is considered diuretic used their tubers in topical treatments for eczema and irritation of the skin.

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