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Plants List (N)
NARAJANJUELO NARAJANJUELO madroño arbutus unedo It was already known by Dioscorides in the first century AD and by the Roman naturalist Pliny, who seems that he said, referring to him: "edo Unum" ... More Information
NARANJO NARANJO ... More Information
NARANJO AMARGO NARANJO AMARGO citrus vulgaris Properties: antiparasitic, activating the digestive function and, above all, soothing tonic and nervous system. Directions: worms and intestinal worm ... More Information
NAZARENE NAZARENE algarrobo de las antillas hymenaea courbaril In Central and South America called carob tree grows in the Antilles. His bark secretes the copal, similar resinous substance to, which is used as p ... More Information
NEBRA NEBRA enebrojuniperus comminus Dioscorides, who lived in the first century AD, already knew the medicinal properties of the fruits of juniper, which certainly serve to considerabl ... More Information
Nemorosa Nemorosa anemone nemorosa Family: Ranunculáceas. Buy nemus, forest. Perennial plant of up to 30 cm. with creeping rhizomes and many radículas, fragile. The escapees floral mea ... More Information
NETTLE NETTLE ... More Information
Nettle Nettle urtica dioca and anti antiateromatosa. It also has minerals, organic acids (formic, acetic), histamine, acetylcholine and tannins responsible for its diuretic act ... More Information
Nettle MAYOR Nettle MAYOR urtica dioica English: Nettle. French: Orti / dïoique Orti. From the family of Urticáceas. Excellent diuretic. Impurities from the skin. Digestions weak. Respirato ... More Information
Nettle MINOR Nettle MINOR urtica urens Family: Urticáceas. Description: herbaceous plant, not too high, with woody stems and erect covered with stinging hairs, creeping rhizomes and many r ... More Information
Nettle WHITE Nettle WHITE ortiga blanca Collection: during the flowering and before it is too advanced. Part used: flowers and leaves. Properties: diuretic. Rich in vitamins and minerals. S ... More Information
NEVADILLA NEVADILLA ... More Information
Nevadillo Nevadillo ... More Information
NIAOULI NIAOULI ... More Information
NIAULI NIAULI ... More Information
NINFA WHITE NINFA WHITE nenúfar blanconymphaea alba l. The water lily white and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea) belong to different genera botanists, even though their properties are very similar. Is ea ... More Information
Noceda Noceda nogal juglans regia Since the eighteenth century, research in the field of chemistry and nutrition, have highlighted the remarkable healing properties of leaves and fru ... More Information
NOGUERA NOGUERA nogal juglans regia Since the eighteenth century, research in the field of chemistry and nutrition, have highlighted the remarkable healing properties of leaves and fru ... More Information
NONI NONI morinda citrofolia Other Names: Tahiti and Raratonga: Nonu, Nono Malaysia: Mengkudo Southeast Asia: Nhau India: Indian Mulberry Caribbean: Bush, Tree of Painkiller Aus ... More Information
NOPAL NOPAL ... More Information
NSAIDS-Belarra (Celandine) NSAIDS-Belarra (Celandine) ... More Information
NUEZ BLACK NUEZ BLACK brionia bryonia dioica The tender shoots of this plant in spring, can be consumed like asparagus. But we must be careful because the root and are poisonous. These lanterns ... More Information
NUEZ BRAZIL NUEZ BRAZIL bertholletia  excelsa Family: Lecythidaceae Bertholletia Ethnic names: Brazilnut, Castanheira do Para, nut Para, Creamnut, Castano of Para, Brazil Chestnut Parts Used: Nu ... More Information
NUEZA NUEZA ... More Information
NUT NUT ... More Information
Nut COLA Nut COLA ... More Information
Nut KOLA Nut KOLA cola acuminata Properties: stimulating the nervous, heart tonic, diuretic and antidiarrheal; recoil from the physical energies. Directions: physical weakness, nerve ... More Information
Nutmeg Nutmeg ... More Information

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