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Plants List (A)
ABABAYA ABABAYA papayo carica papaya The fruit of the papaya is one of the most popular tree among all products of America. It is not strange because it receives so many different names ... More Information
Ababol (Poppy) Ababol (Poppy) ... More Information
ABET (FIR) ABET (FIR) ... More Information
ABETE (FIR) ABETE (FIR) ... More Information
Abies alba (FIR) Abies alba (FIR) ... More Information
Ablan (hazelnuts) Ablan (hazelnuts) ... More Information
Abreojos Abreojos gatuñaononis spinosa Habitat: quite common in cultivated fields and dry prairies of all Europe. Naturalized in America. Description: perennial plant of the family of leg ... More Information
ABREPUNO ABREPUNO cardenchadipsacus fullonum For many centuries, humanity has used the prongs of this thistle for carded wool. Hence it is his name. Although at present this task is accomplishe ... More Information
ABRIÜLL (Gatun) ABRIÜLL (Gatun) ... More Information
Abrojo Abrojo ... More Information
ABRÓTANO ABRÓTANO ... More Information
ABRULL (Abrojo) ABRULL (Abrojo) ... More Information
ABSINTIO ABSINTIO ... More Information
ABUTA ABUTA cissampelos pareira Common names: ABUTA, Abutu, Barbasco, Imchich of Masha, Butuan, pareira False, pareira, Aristoloche Lobe, Bejuco De Raton, Feuille Coeur, Liane Patt ... More Information
ABUTILON ABUTILON abutilon vitifolium Other names: Abutilon, marshmallow of the Indies Family: Malvaceae. Source: Chile Part used medicinally: The leaves Therapeutic benefits: In the ... More Information
ACACIA ACACIA robinia pseudoacacia Castilian: acacia, Acacia White, Acacia Espinosa, Robinia Catalan: Acacia French: acacia English: acacia, Egyptian thorn, bambolam, babul, mimosa Ita ... More Information
ACACIA ESPINOSA ACACIA ESPINOSA acacia falsa robinia pseudoacacia The false acacia was introduced in Europe in the year 1601 by Jean Robin, gardener of the king of France. Hence its scientific name and one of the v ... More Information
ACACIA FALSE ACACIA FALSE robinia pseudoacacia The false acacia was introduced in Europe in the year 1601 by Jean Robin, gardener of the king of France. Hence its scientific name and one of the v ... More Information
ACACIA WHITE ACACIA WHITE acacia falsa robinia pseudoacacia The false acacia was introduced in Europe in the year 1601 by Jean Robin, gardener of the king of France. Hence its scientific name and one of the v ... More Information
ACAFRESNA ACAFRESNA serval silvestre sorbus aucuparia Notable for its striking results, which are a delight for the birds. In some cities like ornamental. It is an elegant tree and longevity: live more ... More Information
ACANTA (ACANTO) ACANTA (ACANTO) ... More Information
Acanthus Acanthus ... More Information
ACANTHUS mollis (ACANTO) ACANTHUS mollis (ACANTO) ... More Information
ACANTO ACANTO ... More Information
ACEBO ACEBO ... More Information
ACEDEIRA (sorrel) ACEDEIRA (sorrel) ... More Information
Acedera Acedera ... More Information
Acedera Vejic Acedera Vejic romaza rumex patientia It belongs to the same gender that Barbels botanical de Vaca (Rumex Crispus) of properties very similar, and that the sorrel, which differs by not h ... More Information
ACEDILLA (sorrel) ACEDILLA (sorrel) ... More Information
ACELGA ACELGA acelgabeta vulgaris The result is quite right, quite fleshy and cylindrical in shape. One grows up in the orchards around the country, is widely used in food. Its origi ... More Information
Acerola Acerola crataegus azarolus l. Used Part The fruits. Active Principles Abundant dihidroascórbico and ascorbic acid, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and minerals in the frui ... More Information
Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) ... More Information
ACHIOTE ACHIOTE ... More Information
ACIANO ACIANO ... More Information
Aconite Aconite ... More Information
Aconite (aconite) Aconite (aconite) ... More Information
ACÓNITO ACÓNITO ... More Information
Aconitum napellus (Aconite) Aconitum napellus (Aconite) ... More Information
ACOR ACOR cálamo aromático acorus calamus Plant from Asia, was introduced in Europe in the thirteenth century by the Tartars. Its aroma is very pleasant and reminded of the mandarin, but its ... More Information
ACOR BASTARD ACOR BASTARD ris pseudoacorus Family: Iidáceas. Description: Plant the rhizomes horizontally with large, highly branched, upright stems from departing and smooth, leaves ensiforme ... More Information
ACOR Gramineae ACOR Gramineae acorus gramineus Castilian: agreed grass English: grass leaved sweet flag Chinese: sichangpu Type: semi-evergreen plant Leaves: long and arranged in bundles of up to ... More Information
Actaea spicata (black cohosh) Actaea spicata (black cohosh) ... More Information
ACTE ACTE yezgosambucus ebolus The berries of yezgo are toxic, and agrees to differentiate them from those of the elder. Both plants belong to the same botanical family, and have ... More Information
ADELFA ADELFA ... More Information
Adiantum CAPILLUS-veneris Adiantum CAPILLUS-veneris adiantum capillus-veneris l. Other names: Castilian: Culantrillo Well, adianto, cilantrillo, culantrillo Montpellier, culantrillo, capilera, arañuela. Portuguese: adianto, Avenç ... More Information
Adiantum capillus-veneris (Culantrillo WELL) Adiantum capillus-veneris (Culantrillo WELL) ... More Information
ADONIS ADONIS ... More Information
Adonis vernalis Adonis vernalis adonis vernalis It is a plant easy to recognize once you have seen, although there are closely related species that can be confused with the original. The plant bloo ... More Information
Adonis vernalis (ADONIS VERNAL) Adonis vernalis (ADONIS VERNAL) ... More Information
ADUNA (WHEAT) ADUNA (WHEAT) ... More Information
Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) ... More Information
AGAR AGAR AGAR AGAR gelidium (Gelidium) ... More Information
AGAR WHITE AGAR WHITE agárico blancopolyporus officinalis The vegetative part of this fungus develops in the cedars and larches. It may take several years to achieve their full development and until you see ... More Information
AGARO Yesquero (HONG Yesquero) AGARO Yesquero (HONG Yesquero) ... More Information
AGAVE AGAVE agave americana It was known more than 150 species of agave, very similar in appearance and its properties, scattered throughout Mexico and Central America who were ... More Information
AGAVE AGAVE agave americana Other Names: Azaba, Cabuya, Calamaco, Caraguatá, chaguar, Champage Blue Chuchau, Cocu, CUCUISA, Henequen, Mezcal, Penca, Pita It was known more than ... More Information
AGRACEJO AGRACEJO ... More Information
AGRACILLO (barberry) AGRACILLO (barberry) ... More Information
AGRAM PRIM (GRAMA of the shops) AGRAM PRIM (GRAMA of the shops) ... More Information
AGRAZ AGRAZ grosellero espinosoribes uva crispa It is highly appreciated in the countries of northern Europe, and cultivated varieties have been obtained that produce large and tasty fruit. They a ... More Information
AGRELL (sorrel) AGRELL (sorrel) ... More Information
Agrifolia (HOLLY) Agrifolia (HOLLY) ... More Information
Agrimonia Agrimonia ... More Information
Agrimony Agrimony ... More Information
Agrimony (Agrimonia) Agrimony (Agrimonia) ... More Information
AGRIPALMA AGRIPALMA ... More Information
Agropyron repens (GRAMA of the shops) Agropyron repens (GRAMA of the shops) ... More Information
Agrostemma githago (Nigella) Agrostemma githago (Nigella) ... More Information
AGUILERA (Aquilegia) AGUILERA (Aquilegia) ... More Information
AHUEHUETE AHUEHUETE taxodium mucronatum Taxodium mucronatum Ten. Fam. 'I'axodiaceae Large and leafy tree measuring between 20 and 30 meters in height, which is the crust coffee and glossy g ... More Information
AIHEN (Clematis) AIHEN (Clematis) ... More Information
AILANTUS AILANTUS ailanthus altissima Simarubáceas family. Description: Tree bark greyish, up to 20 m in height with whitish lenticelas. The leaves are imparipinnadas and have up to 12 le ... More Information
AISTRIKA (Verbena) AISTRIKA (Verbena) ... More Information
AITZ-DEDARR (oregano) AITZ-DEDARR (oregano) ... More Information
AJENUS AJENUS ajenuz nigella sativa Annual plant that can measure some thirty centimeters in height, meaning that their size is small. It has few ramifications, and not a lot of hairs. ... More Information
AJENUZ AJENUZ ajenuz nigella sativa Annual plant that can measure some thirty centimeters in height, meaning that their size is small. It has few ramifications, and not a lot of hairs. ... More Information
AJONJERA AJONJERA angélica angelica archangelica Is a typical northern plant. In Greenland form large areas, and its inhabitants used extensively since ancient times. Not being Mediterranean plant, ... More Information
AJONJOLÍ AJONJOLÍ sésamosesamum indicum l. It is an oleaginous plant cultivated since ancient times. In Mesopotamia, in India, Egypt, China and Greece, their seeds are highly prized as a cond ... More Information
AJORIZO AJORIZO ajenjo artemisia absinthium Plant by the ancient Greeks dedicated to Artemis (Diana to the Romans), goddess of fertility. No doubt that this influenced their remarkable effect ... More Information
Ajuga REPTANS Ajuga REPTANS ajuga reptans Labiadas family. Description: Perennial plant, estolonífera, tomentosa, about 30 cm. tall. The rhizome is short, with many runners that start from ... More Information
Ajuga reptans (Bugula) Ajuga reptans (Bugula) ... More Information
Ajuga VAT Ajuga VAT ... More Information
Al Hoceima Al Hoceima alhucema lavandula latifolia In any case, the Alhucema is unlike any other species by the stem and high-Ramos and the broad leaves and whitish. In addition, the aroma that dismis ... More Information
ALA (Elecampane) ALA (Elecampane) ... More Information
ALACRANERA ALACRANERA alacranera coronilla scorpioides This is an annual herb curious and entirely hairless, upright, usually no more than two spans tall. The leaves (except those below) are composed of ... More Information
ALADIERNA ALADIERNA aladierna  rhamnus alaternus The aladierno is a large shrub that can reach up to 3 meters in height. It stays green all year, with the leaves scattered. Its small white flowers a ... More Information
ALADIERNA ALADIERNA ... More Information
ALAMO ALAMO ... More Information
ALAMO BLACK ALAMO BLACK alamo negro  populus nigra The flowers of poplar are dioecious, meaning that it has male and female flowers, being grouped into two amentos that open in early spring, before t ... More Information
ALASFLOR (safflower) ALASFLOR (safflower) ... More Information
ALBAHAQUILLA LOCA ALBAHAQUILLA LOCA parietariaparietaria officinalis HABITAT: grows between the cracks of rocks and the walls. Spread throughout Europe and dry regions of South America. Description: perennial plant of ... More Information
ALBARRAZ ALBARRAZ albarraz  delphinium staphisagria The albarraz is an annual plant, steep and rugged, often reaching one meter in height. Its stem is always right; their leaves, of considerable size, ... More Information
ALBOHEZA ALBOHEZA malva malva silvestris This plant, a symbol of calm and gentleness, and was used by the Greeks over two millennia. Hippocrates recommended it as an emollient and laxative ... More Information
ALBOLBA (fenugreek) ALBOLBA (fenugreek) ... More Information
ALBORNIO ALBORNIO madroño arbutus unedo It was already known by Dioscorides in the first century AD and by the Roman naturalist Pliny, who seems that he said, referring to him: "edo Unum" ... More Information
ALBOROCERA ALBOROCERA madroño arbutus unedo It was already known by Dioscorides in the first century AD and by the Roman naturalist Pliny, who seems that he said, referring to him: "edo Unum" ... More Information
ALCAÇUZ (licorice) ALCAÇUZ (licorice) ... More Information
ALCANFORERO ALCANFORERO alcanforero  cinnamomum camphora The alcanforero is a millennial tree belonging to the family of Lauraceae. The most elderly of this beautiful tree could be measured more 40 m. tall ... More Information
ALCARCHOFA (artichoke) ALCARCHOFA (artichoke) ... More Information
ALCARXOFA (artichoke) ALCARXOFA (artichoke) ... More Information
ALCAULERA (artichoke) ALCAULERA (artichoke) ... More Information
Alchemilla ARVENSE Alchemilla ARVENSE ... More Information
Alchemilla vulgaris (lady's mantle) Alchemilla vulgaris (lady's mantle) ... More Information
ALCHERVA ALCHERVA ricino ricinus communis Diosgórides, in the first century AD, already knew the laxative properties of castor oil, but until the eighteenth century did not begin to use in E ... More Information
Alecrim (ROMERO) Alecrim (ROMERO) ... More Information
ALFALFA ALFALFA ... More Information
ALFALFA (spiny dogfish, ALFALFA) ALFALFA (spiny dogfish, ALFALFA) ... More Information
ALFALS (spiny dogfish, ALFALFA) ALFALS (spiny dogfish, ALFALFA) ... More Information
Alfarrobeira (carob) Alfarrobeira (carob) ... More Information
Alfes (NUT) Alfes (NUT) ... More Information
ALFORVA (fenugreek) ALFORVA (fenugreek) ... More Information
ALGA ARAMA ALGA ARAMA eisenia arborea Often used in soups and salads. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. Traditional medicine recommends taking baths with algae because ... More Information
ALGA FUCUS ALGA FUCUS fucus vesiculosus l Sargazo VEJIGOSO (Fucus vesiculosus L.) English: Be ware; Bladder fucus. French: Fucus vésiculeux. Family: of the Fucáceas. Directions: Scrofulosorum ... More Information
ALGA ITZIKI ALGA ITZIKI iziki fusiforme It is used in baked and mixed with vegetables. It has a high content of iron, calcium and carotene or pro-vitamin A. Recommended for children and pr ... More Information
ALGA kombu ALGA kombu laminaria ochroleuca ... More Information
ALGA OF glassmaker ALGA OF glassmaker alga de vidrierosposidonia oceanica It is an aquatic plant that is united and strong strain hard to the seabed by some strong roots and strong. The branches are very short, unlike the ... More Information
ALGA spaghetti ALGA spaghetti himanthalia elongata Regulates cholesterol, active defenses, purified and rejuvenates the body. Very rich in mineral salts (high iron content), protein and fiber. ... More Information
ALGA spirulina ALGA spirulina spirulina maxima Used Part The algae complete. Active Principles Exceptionally rich in protein (60-70%), amino acid (tryptophan), vitamins, essential fatty acids (ga ... More Information
ALGA wakame ALGA wakame undaria pinnatifida It is used for soup, to accompany meals of fish or chicken, raw in salad or boiled rice. The wakame powder is used as a condiment for rice or vegeta ... More Information
ALGARROBERO (carob) ALGARROBERO (carob) ... More Information
ALGARROBO ALGARROBO ... More Information
ALGARROBO BLACK ALGARROBO BLACK propopis nigra ... More Information
ALGARROBO OF THE ANTILLES ALGARROBO OF THE ANTILLES hymenaea courbaril In Central and South America called carob tree grows in the Antilles. His bark secretes the copal, similar resinous substance to, which is used as p ... More Information
ALGARROBO Orinoco ALGARROBO Orinoco algarrobo de las antillas hymenaea courbaril In Central and South America called carob tree grows in the Antilles. His bark secretes the copal, similar resinous substance to, which is used as p ... More Information
Algaze (SEAWEED glaziers) Algaze (SEAWEED glaziers) ... More Information
ALHARMA ALHARMA alharma peganum harmala The alharma blooms from the month of April in the south and slightly later in the Ebro basin in central Spain. This is often prolong bloom throughout ... More Information
Alho (garlic) Alho (garlic) ... More Information
ALIARIA ALIARIA alliaria officinalis It has an aroma similar to garlic, and shared with him some of his noble virtues. It is recommended to use the fresh plant, shortly after it was tor ... More Information
ALICABI ALICABI alquequenjephysalis alkekengi The red berries of alquequenje are an exquisite taste of bittersweet, and is one that keeps in candy or vinegar. In some places it is done fermentin ... More Information
ALICACABÍ (ground cherries) ALICACABÍ (ground cherries) ... More Information
ALISA ALISA alnus glutinosa The authors of classical antiquity were unaware of the many medicinal properties of alder. Who first wrote about them was St. Hildegard, German Bene ... More Information
ALISA BLACK ALISA BLACK aliso alnus glutinosa The authors of classical antiquity were unaware of the many medicinal properties of alder. Who first wrote about them was St. Hildegard, German Bene ... More Information
ALISA RED ALISA RED alnus rubra In North America it is more common to find that red alder alder common. Both species are very similar from a botanist, and their medicinal propertie ... More Information
Alisma Alisma ... More Information
Alisma Plantago-aquatica (Alisma) Alisma Plantago-aquatica (Alisma) ... More Information
ALL (AJO) ALL (AJO) ... More Information
Alliaria (ally itself) Alliaria (ally itself) ... More Information
Alliaria officinalis (ally itself) Alliaria officinalis (ally itself) ... More Information
Allium sativum (Garlic) Allium sativum (Garlic) ... More Information
ALLORBE (fenugreek) ALLORBE (fenugreek) ... More Information
ALM (ELM) ALM (ELM) ... More Information
Almendos (ALMOND) Almendos (ALMOND) ... More Information
ALMENDRO ALMENDRO ... More Information
ALMENDRO AMIG ALMENDRO AMIG prunus amygdalus Family: Rosaceae. Description: highly branched tree, up to 10 m in height, with the bark open, flaky, grayish color. Ramifications carrying green lea ... More Information
ALMENDRO FLORIDA ALMENDRO FLORIDA prunos triloba lindl. Family: Rosaceae Place of Origin: China. Etymology: Prunus, Latin name of the wild plum. Triloba, from the Latin trilobus-a-um, with three lobes, ref ... More Information
ALMESCAT (MUSK) ALMESCAT (MUSK) ... More Information
ALMEZ ALMEZ almez  celtis australis The tree is a very almez longevity (there are copies of more than 600 years) and height over 20 meters, with the ashen color of bark and branches fle ... More Information
Almeza (Almez) Almeza (Almez) ... More Information
Almeza (Almez) Almeza (Almez) ... More Information
ALMOND ALMOND ... More Information
Almond trees (almond) Almond trees (almond) ... More Information
ALMOST purgative ALMOST purgative cañafístula cassia fistula This tree embellishes the tropical regions of America. In Mexico abounds in the region of Tierra Caliente, from Morelos and Guerrero to Tabasco and ... More Information
ALMUDELA (ELM) ALMUDELA (ELM) ... More Information
Alnö Alnö ... More Information
ALNO (ALIS) ALNO (ALIS) ... More Information
Alnus glutinosa (ALIS) Alnus glutinosa (ALIS) ... More Information
ALOE ALOE ... More Information
Aloe Ferox (Aloe) Aloe Ferox (Aloe) ... More Information
ALOE Sabil ALOE Sabil aloe vera, aloe barbadensis Description History Generalities Properties International references Use and therapeutic applications Contraindications Major chemical compounds Us ... More Information
ALOE VERA ALOE VERA aloe vera For dermatological problems, ezcemas, psoriasis, dermatitis and skin allergies. Use: It swallowed the pulp or juice of aloe. By outsourcing, the pulp ... More Information
ALQUEMILA ALQUEMILA ... More Information
ALQUEMILA (lady's mantle) ALQUEMILA (lady's mantle) ... More Information
Alquequenje Alquequenje physalis alkekengi The red berries of alquequenje are an exquisite taste of bittersweet, and is one that keeps in candy or vinegar. In some places it is done fermentin ... More Information
ALQUIMILA ALPINA ALQUIMILA ALPINA alquimila alpina  alchemilla alpina The alquimila Alpine is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the family of pinkish. Its leaves are heading in several segments, usually 5 or 7, reachin ... More Information
ALQUIMILA arvense ALQUIMILA arvense alquimila arvense   aphanes arvensis The alquimila arvense is a herbaceous plant belonging to the family of pinkish. This is an annual plant of low altitude, at most an inch of height. T ... More Information
ALSINA ALSINA alsine  stellaria media It is an annual or biennial plant that can be measured thirty centimeters. The stem is not strong enough to keep it upright, so it is normally found ... More Information
ALTEA (Marshmallow) ALTEA (Marshmallow) ... More Information
Althea officinalis (Marshmallow) Althea officinalis (Marshmallow) ... More Information
ALTIN ??(ALGA glaziers) ALTIN ??(ALGA glaziers) ... More Information
ALTOVERDE ALTOVERDE maízzea mays l. The maize was the staple of many of the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Americas. He was cultivated, from the south of what are now the United Stat ... More Information
Altz (ALIS) Altz (ALIS) ... More Information
ALUCEMA ALUCEMA lavandula latifolia medicus Used Part The flowering tops Active Principles Essential oil (1%), rich in oil and monoterpenes p-cymene, alcohols, esters and acids (l-linalol, d-b ... More Information
ALZINETA (germander) ALZINETA (germander) ... More Information
AMACEY AMACEY copaibacopaitera officinalis Palo Oil, Tacamaca In the Amazon and Orinoco, grow several species of trees of the genus Copaifera, which secrete a resin when they are pierced the ... More Information
Amanita phalloides (Amanita FALOIDES) Amanita phalloides (Amanita FALOIDES) ... More Information
AMAPOLA AMAPOLA ... More Information
AMAPOLA CALIFORNIAN AMAPOLA CALIFORNIAN eschoscholtzia californica) Used Part Sumidades the air. Active Principles Alkaloids: alocriptopina, quelidonina, protopina, berberina, californidina, queleritrina, quelilutin ... More Information
AMÁRAC (marjoram) AMÁRAC (marjoram) ... More Information
AMÁRACO (marjoram) AMÁRACO (marjoram) ... More Information
AMARADULCE (Dulcamara) AMARADULCE (Dulcamara) ... More Information
AMARANTH AMARANTH amaranthus hypochondriacus l Castilian: Amaranth, amaranth. English: Amarath, prince's feather Common Name: Feather Prince The plant prefers light and requires moist soil. Man ... More Information
AMARGÓN AMARGÓN achicoria   cichorium intybus Chicory is one of the most beneficial plants, and to its extraordinary medicinal properties is bound to provide a pleasant alternative to coffee. In ... More Information
AMARGOSO AMARGOSO serval silvestre sorbus aucuparia Notable for its striking results, which are a delight for the birds. In some cities like ornamental. It is an elegant tree and longevity: live more ... More Information
AMARRUBIA AMARRUBIA fresalfragaria vesca Strawberry has been using as food for millennia, but its medicinal properties were not discovered until the sixteenth century. The great Swedish bot ... More Information
Ambrose DO-MEXICO (pazote) Ambrose DO-MEXICO (pazote) ... More Information
AMEIXEIRA (endrin) AMEIXEIRA (endrin) ... More Information
Amelanchier ovalis (saskatoon) Amelanchier ovalis (saskatoon) ... More Information
Amendoeira (ALMOND) Amendoeira (ALMOND) ... More Information
AMEO AMEO biznagaammi visnaga For lovers of natural life, I like to know that the radios that form the umbels of this plant, once dry, are magnificent chopsticks toothpicks. They ... More Information
AMERICAN Gingseng AMERICAN Gingseng panax  quinquefolius Used parts and where it grows: As its closest cousin, Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), is the root of American ginseng which is used medicinally. The p ... More Information
AMERICAN LITOSPERMO AMERICAN LITOSPERMO lithospermum ruderale ... More Information
AMERICAN MANDRAGORA AMERICAN MANDRAGORA podófilopodophyllum peltatum It has no relationship with the European mandrake, the family of Solanaceae. The European mandrake is a toxic plant, similar in its shares to the de ... More Information
AMERICAN POLE AMERICAN POLE hedeoma pulegioides ... More Information
AMERICAN ROOT AMERICAN ROOT cúrcuma curcuma longa Although it may seem strange, spices and hot sauces play an important role in the diet of people in the tropics. Without them it would be difficult ... More Information
AMERICAN Viburnum AMERICAN Viburnum ... More Information
Ametza-Bedarra (butterworts) Ametza-Bedarra (butterworts) ... More Information
AMI AMI biznagaammi visnaga For lovers of natural life, I like to know that the radios that form the umbels of this plant, once dry, are magnificent chopsticks toothpicks. They ... More Information
AMINEIRO (ALIS) AMINEIRO (ALIS) ... More Information
AMMI Visnaga (Biznaga) AMMI Visnaga (Biznaga) ... More Information
AMOR SECO AMOR SECO bidens pilosa Bidens pilosa Family: Asteraceae Common names: Pica Preto, Amor Seco, Aceitilla, Cadillo, Chilca, Pacunga, Pirc, Cuambu, Carrapicho, Erva Pica, Pin ... More Information
AMORRUBEDARR (pimpernel) AMORRUBEDARR (pimpernel) ... More Information
AMUNTZ (ground ivy) AMUNTZ (ground ivy) ... More Information
Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel) Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel) ... More Information
ANAGYRIS foetida (SMELLY) ANAGYRIS foetida (SMELLY) ... More Information
ANAMU ANAMU petiberia alliacea Castilian: ANAMU, Apacin, Apacina, Apazote French: Verveine puant. English: Garlic sented Petiveria. Common names: ANAMU, Apacin, Apacina, Apazote ... More Information
ANAN ANAN ANANAS COMOSUS MERR. Pineapples Ananas comosus Merr. Properties The stem of Pineapples are rich in enzymes, the most important being the bromelaína, used in herbal medic ... More Information
Ananas sativus (pineapple) Ananas sativus (pineapple) ANANAS COMOSUS MERR. Pineapples Ananas comosus Merr. Properties The stem of Pineapples are rich in enzymes, the most important being the bromelaína, used in herbal medic ... More Information
Anan-PNAS Anan-PNAS ANANAS COMOSUS MERR. Pineapples Ananas comosus Merr. Properties The stem of Pineapples are rich in enzymes, the most important being the bromelaína, used in herbal medic ... More Information
ANAPELO (Aconite) ANAPELO (Aconite) ... More Information
ANARE (heather) ANARE (heather) ... More Information
ANASTASIA ANASTASIA tanaceto tanacetum vulgare Habitat: widespread throughout Europe except in the Mediterranean region. Naturalized in North America. In Spain, is only found in the Pyrenees and ... More Information
ANCHUSA azurea ANCHUSA azurea ... More Information
Andrino (endrin) Andrino (endrin) ... More Information
ANDROSENO ANDROSENO androseno  hypericum androsaemum The androsemo is a plant that is dry during the winter and bloom again in spring. Usually measured two to four spans, and presents some large sheets ... More Information
ANELDO (DILL) ANELDO (DILL) ... More Information
ANEMONE ANEMONE anemone vulgaris The Anemone is a very popular garden plant, which is used medicinally and is very effective as a sedative is special to relieve pain. Used parts: Dri ... More Information
ANEMONE Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla) ANEMONE Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla) ... More Information
ANET (DILL) ANET (DILL) ... More Information
Anethum graveolens (dill) Anethum graveolens (dill) ... More Information
ANGELICA ANGELICA ... More Information
Angelica archangelica (ANGEL) Angelica archangelica (ANGEL) ... More Information
ANGELICA SYLVESTER ANGELICA SYLVESTER angelica sylvestr/s Family: Umbelíferas. Description Of Greek Anghel, angel, for their medicinal properties. Herbaceous plant up to 3 m. Height equipped with a large roo ... More Information
ANGELINS (TEUCRIO pyrene) ANGELINS (TEUCRIO pyrene) ... More Information
ANILLADA MINOR ANILLADA MINOR ipecacuana cephaelis ipecacuanha In 1912 they discovered the active ingredients of ipecac, and since then is part of numerous pharmaceutical preparations. Habitat: original hot and ... More Information
ANISE ANISE ... More Information
anise anise ... More Information
ANISE OF CHINA ANISE OF CHINA anís estrellado illicium verum The star anise tree reminds the laurel, for its beautiful demeanor, and the magnolia, for its decorative flowers. All it comes off a very pleasant a ... More Information
ANISILLO ANISILLO cilantro coriandrum sativum Although this is one of the medicinal plants used for over time, because it was already in common use among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, cilantr ... More Information
Anonymous MEXICO Anonymous MEXICO guanábano annona muricata The fruit of this tree, known mainly as soursop, which comes despite up to two kilos, contains an off-white pulp of pleasing flavor, similar to the ... More Information
ANORZA (NUT) ANORZA (NUT) ... More Information
Antennaria dioica (cat feet) Antennaria dioica (cat feet) ... More Information
Anthemis nobilis (Roman Chamomile) Anthemis nobilis (Roman Chamomile) ... More Information
ANTHILLIS vulnerary (Vulnerary) ANTHILLIS vulnerary (Vulnerary) ... More Information
Antirrhinum majus (DRAGON) Antirrhinum majus (DRAGON) ... More Information
ANUBE ANUBE fresalfragaria vesca Strawberry has been using as food for millennia, but its medicinal properties were not discovered until the sixteenth century. The great Swedish bot ... More Information
ANZARR-Belarra (tansy) ANZARR-Belarra (tansy) ... More Information
Aphanes arvensis (Alchemilla arvense) Aphanes arvensis (Alchemilla arvense) ... More Information
Apium graveolens (celery) Apium graveolens (celery) ... More Information
APOCINO-CANADA APOCINO-CANADA apocynum cannabinum l Castilian: apocino of Canada French: chanvre du Canada English: canadian hemp, drosbane, black indian hemp, amy root ... More Information
APO-PERREXIL (hemlock) APO-PERREXIL (hemlock) ... More Information
APRICOT APRICOT ... More Information
AQUATIC ANAGALIDE AQUATIC ANAGALIDE anagálide acuática veronica anagallis The ANAGALIDE aquatic plant is a perennial that typically measure 10 to 30 cm in height, the stems grow flush with the ground so it rises slightly. F ... More Information
AQUATIC FELANDRIO AQUATIC FELANDRIO phellandrum acuaticum Directions: anti-catarrhal cough and purulent accumulations affections of the bronchi and lungs. Against whooping cough, tuberculosis additional reme ... More Information
AQUILEA (Yarrow) AQUILEA (Yarrow) ... More Information
Aquilegia Aquilegia aguileña aquilegia vulgaris ravines and meadows. We can find it on the north side of the Iberian Peninsula. In the south it is more difficult to find, though not impossible. Th ... More Information
AQUILEGIA (Aquilegia) AQUILEGIA (Aquilegia) ... More Information
AQUILERIA VULGARIS (Aquilegia) AQUILERIA VULGARIS (Aquilegia) ... More Information
Arabi (blueberry) Arabi (blueberry) ... More Information
Arabot (JUNIPER) Arabot (JUNIPER) ... More Information
ARACEJO ARACEJO berberis vulgaris l Castilian: Agracejo, agracillo, agrito, acetín, agrazón, cruet (vinegreto in Provence), Berberis, berberiles, barberry, alarguiz, alarguez, alguese, ... More Information
Arachis hypogaea (peanut) Arachis hypogaea (peanut) ... More Information
ARAN (endrin) ARAN (endrin) ... More Information
ARANDEIRA (blueberry) ARANDEIRA (blueberry) ... More Information
Arandilla (blueberry) Arandilla (blueberry) ... More Information
Arañuel (Culantrillo WELL) Arañuel (Culantrillo WELL) ... More Information
ARAÑUELA ARAÑUELA ... More Information
Aranya (Arañuel) Aranya (Arañuel) ... More Information
ARANYONER (endrin) ARANYONER (endrin) ... More Information
Araz Araz guayabo psidium guajaba It is a very aromatic tree, which was cultivated by native Mexicans before the arrival of the Spanish. The guava fruit is one of the richest in vita ... More Information
ARBITXIKI (Rapunzel) ARBITXIKI (Rapunzel) ... More Information
Arboç (Madrona) Arboç (Madrona) ... More Information
ARBRE VER (ASH) ARBRE VER (ASH) ... More Information
Arbutus unedo (Madrona) Arbutus unedo (Madrona) ... More Information
ARC BLANC (hawthorn) ARC BLANC (hawthorn) ... More Information
ARCE MINOR ARCE MINOR acer campestre Aceráceas family. Description This tree can reach or even exceed 15 m, although often takes the form of bush, with the rough bark. The leaves have lo ... More Information
Arcot TANK (CAMBRONERO) Arcot TANK (CAMBRONERO) ... More Information
Arctostaphylos uva-URSII (bearberry) Arctostaphylos uva-URSII (bearberry) ... More Information
ARDAGAI (HONG Yesquero) ARDAGAI (HONG Yesquero) ... More Information
Ardai (HONG Yesquero) Ardai (HONG Yesquero) ... More Information
Arenaria HERNIARIA Arenaria HERNIARIA ... More Information
Arenaria RED Arenaria RED ... More Information
Arganzón Arganzón grosellero espinosoribes uva crispa It is highly appreciated in the countries of northern Europe, and cultivated varieties have been obtained that produce large and tasty fruit. They a ... More Information
ARGENTINA ARGENTINA ... More Information
ARGIBELARR (spiny dogfish, ALFALFA) ARGIBELARR (spiny dogfish, ALFALFA) ... More Information
ARGOM (gorse) ARGOM (gorse) ... More Information
ARÍNGOL (Sarsaparilla) ARÍNGOL (Sarsaparilla) ... More Information
ARIO (MEZEREON) ARIO (MEZEREON) ... More Information
aristolochia aristolochia ... More Information
ARISTOLOCHIA ROTUNDA (aristolochia ROUND) ARISTOLOCHIA ROTUNDA (aristolochia ROUND) ... More Information
ARISTOLÒLOQUIA Redon (aristolochia ROUND) ARISTOLÒLOQUIA Redon (aristolochia ROUND) ... More Information
ARISTOLOQUIA BETICA ARISTOLOQUIA BETICA aristoloquia bética   aristolochia baetica The leaves erupt around the stem, are so acorazonada and remain green throughout the year. The stems are not upright but are twists and grow in any d ... More Information
ARISTOLOQUIA ROUND ARISTOLOQUIA ROUND aristoloquia redonda aristolochia rotunda The most characteristic of this plant is located below ground: this is a large tuber rounded the starting small rootlets. One grows near hedgerows, s ... More Information
ARITZGARO (ferns) ARITZGARO (ferns) ... More Information
ARITZO ZURI (sessile oak) ARITZO ZURI (sessile oak) ... More Information
Armoracia LAPATHIFOLIA (horseradish) Armoracia LAPATHIFOLIA (horseradish) ... More Information
Armuelles Armuelles armuelleatriplex hortense The Armuelles is an annual herbaceous plant that can grow up to 2 meters if the Mima much. The stems and branches are straight and hairless; the lea ... More Information
Arnall (CAMBRONERO) Arnall (CAMBRONERO) ... More Information
ARNICA ARNICA ... More Information
ARRACLÁN ARRACLÁN frángula  rhamnus frangula The great botanist Renaissance, Andrea Mattioli, in 1554 published an annotated edition of the medical Matter of Dioscorides, in which it said, as m ... More Information
ARRASTRERA ARRASTRERA gayuba  arctostaphylos uva ursi When there were bears in the mountains of Europe, enjoyed eating with the small berries of the gayuba, which by its shape and flavor, apples seem sm ... More Information
ARRAY ARRAY ... More Information
ARROS (RICE) ARROS (RICE) ... More Information
Arroyuelo (purple loosestrife) Arroyuelo (purple loosestrife) ... More Information
Arruda (RUE) Arruda (RUE) ... More Information
ARRUGUI ARRUGUI fresalfragaria vesca Strawberry has been using as food for millennia, but its medicinal properties were not discovered until the sixteenth century. The great Swedish bot ... More Information
ARTA WATER ARTA WATER zaragatonaplantago psyllium Dioscorides recommended it in the first century A.D. as an emollient (softener), and as such has been used until the mid-twentieth century, when it ... More Information
ARTATXIKI (millet SOL) ARTATXIKI (millet SOL) ... More Information
ARTEMISA ARTEMISA ... More Information
ARTEMISA JOHNNY ARTEMISA JOHNNY ajenjo artemisia absinthium Plant by the ancient Greeks dedicated to Artemis (Diana to the Romans), goddess of fertility. No doubt that this influenced their remarkable effect ... More Information
Artemisia ludoviciana Artemisia ludoviciana ... More Information
Artemisia vulgaris (ARTEMIS) Artemisia vulgaris (ARTEMIS) ... More Information
Arthropods Belladonna (Belladonna) Arthropods Belladonna (Belladonna) ... More Information
ARTICHOKE ARTICHOKE CYNARA SCOLYMUS L. Artichoke Cynara scolymus L. Artichoke common German: Artischoke; English: globe artichoke Sheet Perennial plant with leaves no larger thorny, divi ... More Information
Artichoke Artichoke ... More Information
Artos Artos zarza rubus fruticosus Dioscorides already recommended the leaves of the bush for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Its fruits have been used since ancient in the human diet, ... More Information
Arum italicum (ARO) Arum italicum (ARO) ... More Information
ASA fetida ASA fetida ferula asa-foetida Umbelíferas family. Description: herbaceous plant itself in Afghanistan and Iran, which can reach up to a meter tall with large, fleshy root axonomo ... More Information
ASAR ASAR asarum europaeum Used since ancient Roman. Pliny the Elder already mentioned it in his writings on his property emética (vomitiva). Currently, however, has fallen in ... More Information
ASFODELO ASFODELO asphodelus ramosus Family: Liliaceae. Description: herbaceous plant with tuberous roots thick, simple and escaped ensiformes basal leaves, fleshy, glabrous. The flowers ... More Information
ASHWAGANDHA ASHWAGANDHA withania somniferum Used parts and where it grows: ASHWAGANDHA, which belongs to the family of the pepper, is in India and Africa. ASHWAGANDHA's roots are used medicinal ... More Information
ASKI (GRAMA) ASKI (GRAMA) ... More Information
Asparagus officinalis (Esparraguera) Asparagus officinalis (Esparraguera) ... More Information
Asperilla (Asperula Olor) Asperilla (Asperula Olor) ... More Information
ASPERULA ASPERULA ... More Information
Asperula odorata (Asperula Olor) Asperula odorata (Asperula Olor) ... More Information
Asperula OLOROSO Asperula OLOROSO ... More Information
Asperula OLOROSO Asperula OLOROSO ... More Information
Asplenium Trichomanes (Culantrillo RETAIL) Asplenium Trichomanes (Culantrillo RETAIL) ... More Information
Asprilla (HERB OF THE SEVEN Indent) Asprilla (HERB OF THE SEVEN Indent) ... More Information
ASTA MATZ (NUT) ASTA MATZ (NUT) ... More Information
Astak (Cardenche) Astak (Cardenche) ... More Information
ASTAURRAZA (thistle) ASTAURRAZA (thistle) ... More Information
ASTOBEHARRI (Scorzonera) ASTOBEHARRI (Scorzonera) ... More Information
Astragalo Astragalo ... More Information
Astrantia Astrantia ... More Information
Astrantia MAJOR (ASTRANCIA) Astrantia MAJOR (ASTRANCIA) ... More Information
ASUN (stinging nettle) ASUN (stinging nettle) ... More Information
Atanasio Atanasio ... More Information
Athanasius BOTICAS DAS (tansy) Athanasius BOTICAS DAS (tansy) ... More Information
ATX-USAIN (oregano) ATX-USAIN (oregano) ... More Information
Auricularia auricula-Judah (Judas EAR) Auricularia auricula-Judah (Judas EAR) ... More Information
autumn crocus autumn crocus ... More Information
AUYAMA AUYAMA calabaceracucurbita pepo l. There are numerous cultivars calabacera, which produce fruits that weigh from a pound to more than fifty. Habitat: some varieties come from the Midd ... More Information
Avati Avati algarrobo de las antillas hymenaea courbaril In Central and South America called carob tree grows in the Antilles. His bark secretes the copal, similar resinous substance to, which is used as p ... More Information
AVEI (OAT) AVEI (OAT) ... More Information
AVELANEIRO (hazelnuts) AVELANEIRO (hazelnuts) ... More Information
Avena sativa (oat) Avena sativa (oat) ... More Information
AVENCAO (Culantrillo RETAIL) AVENCAO (Culantrillo RETAIL) ... More Information
Avens Avens ... More Information
AVOCADO AVOCADO ... More Information
AXENXO (Wormwood) AXENXO (Wormwood) ... More Information
AYACOTA AYACOTA judíaphaseolus vulgaris Habitat: originally from Mexico and Central America, and extended by all countries in the world. Description: annual plant of the family of legumes, ... More Information
AYAHUASCA AYAHUASCA banisteriopsis caapi Names that receives this plant: Castilian: ayahuasca, Yagé, Bejuco gold cap, natema. Galician and Portuguese: caapi. Family: malpigiáceas. Originall ... More Information
AYEBO AYEBO yezgosambucus ebolus The berries of yezgo are toxic, and agrees to differentiate them from those of the elder. Both plants belong to the same botanical family, and have ... More Information
AYOTE AYOTE calabaceracucurbita pepo l. There are numerous cultivars calabacera, which produce fruits that weigh from a pound to more than fifty. Habitat: some varieties come from the Midd ... More Information
AYPÍ AYPÍ yuca manhiot esculenta Cassava is a highly valued food plant in hot countries. However, the consumption of its crude root causes a serious poisoning, even deadly. That's b ... More Information
AZA (CABBAGE) AZA (CABBAGE) ... More Information
Azaba Azaba agaveagave americana It was known more than 150 species of agave, very similar in appearance and its properties, scattered throughout Mexico and Central America who were ... More Information
AZAFRANILLO (safflower) AZAFRANILLO (safflower) ... More Information
AZALKI (CHARD) AZALKI (CHARD) ... More Information
Azari-MATZ (Dulcamara) Azari-MATZ (Dulcamara) ... More Information
AZAROLLO EDGE AZAROLLO EDGE serval silvestre sorbus aucuparia Notable for its striking results, which are a delight for the birds. In some cities like ornamental. It is an elegant tree and longevity: live more ... More Information
AZENTZU (Wormwood) AZENTZU (Wormwood) ... More Information
AZNALLO AZNALLO gatuñaononis spinosa Habitat: quite common in cultivated fields and dry prairies of all Europe. Naturalized in America. Description: perennial plant of the family of leg ... More Information
AZPEGARR (autumn crocus) AZPEGARR (autumn crocus) ... More Information
AZPELARR (autumn crocus) AZPELARR (autumn crocus) ... More Information
Azucena Azucena azucena  lilium candidum Preferably one grows in gardens and pots, as it is not an indigenous plant, but that comes from the Middle East. Normally it takes a ornamental use. ... More Information
Azucena Azucena lilium candidum l. Used Part The bulbs and the oil extracted from them. Active Principles We have no evidence. Drug Action Popularly used as a bulb demulcent, and cal ... More Information
AZUFAIFO AZUFAIFO ... More Information
AZUFAIFOAZULEJO AZUFAIFOAZULEJO azufaifo  zizyphus jujuba Shaped star. The azufaifo are breeding in orchards and agricultural lands from Aragon and Catalonia to the Algarve in Portugal. It comes from the Eas ... More Information
AZUFEIFO (BER) AZUFEIFO (BER) ... More Information
AZUREA Anchusa (ox tongue) AZUREA Anchusa (ox tongue) ... More Information

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