cissampelos pareira

ABUTA (cissampelos pareira) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cissampelos pareira
Common names: ABUTA, Abutu, Barbasco, Imchich of Masha, Butuan, pareira False, pareira, Aristoloche Lobe, Bejuco De Raton, Feuille Coeur, Liane Patten Cheval, gasing of Gasing.

Part of Used: The Whole Parra, Seed, the cortex, the Road.


Analgesics, Anticarcinomic, anti inflammatory, Antileukemic, Antispasmodic, the Antiseptic, appearance, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, expectorant, febrífugo, Hepatoprotective, Hypotensive, Piscicide, Purgative, stimulating, Stomachic, Tonic.


Curina, Curina - 4'' - Methyl Ether - 4 - O - Methylcurine, Alkaloids, Bebeerine, Cissamine, Cissampareine, Cyclanoline, Cycleanine, quercitol D, EO, Hayatidine, Hayatine, Hayatinine, Isochondodendrine, Menismine, Parierine, Pelosine, Quercitol, saponin, Tetrandrine, Tetrandrine - 2' - N - Oxide.

ABUTA is a fig - leaf that grows up to a foot long. It belongs to the genus Cissampelos, in which there are 30 to 40 species of vines. It produces similar to the grape berries, dark and inedible. The stop ABUTA is blackish brown with beautiful knotted edges that look like a tape that wound is fraught the way up the canopy. The plant is tough, heavy. ABUTA is through the Amazon in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia and is cultivated by many people to beautify their gardens.

ABUTA commonly referred to as the "Midwives' grass" by the Indians because their properties as analgesics and with many years of use for indisposition of women. Has been used by indigenous people throughout the South American jungle for thousands of years. In his book "The Medical Botany, " by Walter Lewis, "roots" of pareira Cissampelos "are used in tropical countries to prevent a threat of abortion. The grass is also used to stop bleeding in the uterus. " Women in the Amazon ABUTA still carry with them to calm the cramp and pain of premenstrual post. It was also believed in menstruation difficult. The uses that the Indians give the ABUTA are well documented. The leaves, bark and roots are macerarados with rum by the Creoles in Guyana and used as an aphrodisiac. Indians Wayãpi use the decoction of the leaves and stems as an oral analgesic. Another Indian tribe, the "Siona, " the decoction of the leaves used for fever. The tribes of Ecuador "Ketchwas" decoction of the leaves used for snake bites. The indigenous tribes of Peru used the seeds of ABUTA for the snake bite, as a diuretic and expectorant, preventing the threats of abortion, relieve menorrhagia and uterine bleeding stops.


Anecbolic, Antiecbolic, aphrodisiac, in ell Asma, the bite (snake) the cough, cystitis, Diarrhea, diuretics, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, febrífugo, Fever, Hemorrhage, Hypertension, the Itchy, Lithontriptic, Malaria, Menorrhagia, Piscicide, Purgative, the sore, Styptic, Tonic, Urogenital, stimulating, Parturition, Piscicide.

Guatemala: The antidote, the bite (snake) Erysipelas, Fever.

India: The pain (stomach) the bite (dog) the Divieso, bronchitis, Burns, the Frio, Cholera, the Cold, the Convulsion, the delirium, diarrhea, dysentery, Epilepsy, Ojo, the Gravel, hematuria, Madness, Pimple, Rabies.

Mexico: The bite (snake) the vesicle, diuretics, Dropsy, Emmenagogue, expectorant, fever, Jaundice, Leucorrhea, Nephritis, Poultice, the Rheumatism, Tonic, Urogenital.

Panama: The bite (snake)

Trinidad: The divieso, Diabetes, Hypertension, Palpitation.

Venezuela: The bite (snake) the vesicle, the Calculus, Diuretic, the Kidney.


ABUTA has been traditionally used by women who have problems with their menses. The peasants in the Amazon carries ABUTA with them to calm pre - menstrual cramps and pain of post - partum. They reported that prevent the threatened abortions. In Ecuador, has been used to stop bleeding in the uterus during excursions and is used by men for the inflammation of the testicles. ABUTA is helpful for kidney stones, other problems associated with kidney, and acts as a diuretic.

Women's South American Indian ABUTA have used for centuries to relieve symptoms associated with menstruation and to balance the female hormones. Commonly referred to as the "herb of women" and has been used to help prevent abortion.

ABUTA is used by men in the Amazon for the inflammation of the testicles. It is also helpful for kidney stones and other problems associated with kidney. Other herbs of the Amazon to help establish the balance during the menstrual cycle or during menopause includes ABUTA, Maracuja, Marapuama, and star anise for a cat. Many of these herbs do this indirectly by regulating the nervous system. ABUTA is always led by young women in the Amazon for menstrual cramps and pain before and after the menstrual cycle. They reported that prevent abortions. In Ecuador, it has also stop bleeding uterinaa ".

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