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Plants List (H)
HABA HABA vicia faba Family: Legumes. Description: herbaceous plant, erect, glabra, with root axonomorfa. The stem is tetragonal and can reach a height of up to 80 cm. Th ... More Information
HAGUE HAGUE ... More Information
HAHOLÍ HAHOLÍ sésamosesamum indicum l. It is an oleaginous plant cultivated since ancient times. In Mesopotamia, in India, Egypt, China and Greece, their seeds are highly prized as a cond ... More Information
HALÍCABALO HALÍCABALO alquequenjephysalis alkekengi The red berries of alquequenje are an exquisite taste of bittersweet, and is one that keeps in candy or vinegar. In some places it is done fermentin ... More Information
Hallelujah Hallelujah oxalis acetosella l Castellano: Pan de cuclillo, trébol acedo (trifolium acetosum), a Italiano: acetosella. Francés: pain de coucou Inglés: wood sorrel. Germany: ... More Information
HAMAMELIS HAMAMELIS ... More Information
HAMELIS HAMELIS hammamelis virginiana English: Witch hazel. French: Hamamelis. From the family of Hamamelidáceas. Varicose veins, phlebitis, heavy legs and hemorrhoids. Stop the bleeding. ... More Information
HAS HAS ... More Information
hawthorn hawthorn ... More Information
Hawthorn Hawthorn crataegus oxyacantha ... More Information
HAZEL HAZEL ... More Information
HAZELNUT HAZELNUT ... More Information
HAZELNUT BRAVIA HAZELNUT BRAVIA frángula  rhamnus frangula The great botanist Renaissance, Andrea Mattioli, in 1554 published an annotated edition of the medical Matter of Dioscorides, in which it said, as m ... More Information
Hazelnuts or filberts (hazelnuts) Hazelnuts or filberts (hazelnuts) ... More Information
Hazels (hazelnut) Hazels (hazelnut) ... More Information
HEAD OF BLACK HEAD OF BLACK guanábano annona muricata The fruit of this tree, known mainly as soursop, which comes despite up to two kilos, contains an off-white pulp of pleasing flavor, similar to the ... More Information
heather heather ... More Information
HEATHER HEATHER ... More Information
Heather - HEATHER Heather - HEATHER ... More Information
hedge mustard hedge mustard ... More Information
Hedionda Hedionda frángula  rhamnus frangula The great botanist Renaissance, Andrea Mattioli, in 1554 published an annotated edition of the medical Matter of Dioscorides, in which it said, as m ... More Information
Helenio Helenio ... More Information
HELICRISO HELICRISO helichysum arenarium Castilian: helicriso, perpetual, Everlasting yellow chamomile bastard, yesquera, meaperros English: chaste yellow weed, live ever, sandy Everlasting ... More Information
Hemlock Hemlock ... More Information
HEMP COMMON HEMP COMMON cannabis sativa ... More Information
Henequen Henequen agaveagave americana It was known more than 150 species of agave, very similar in appearance and its properties, scattered throughout Mexico and Central America who were ... More Information
Henna Henna ligustrum vulgare Oleáceas family. Description: Shrub, sometimes seedling, with branches and leaves pubescent slightly oval or elliptical, lanceolate, coriaceous, with ... More Information
HEPATICA HEPATICA ... More Information
HERB 7SANGRIAS HERB 7SANGRIAS lithodora fruticosa Description: The herb of the seven indented form an extensive kills green and ashy feel pretty rough. It consists of many branches and twigs of woody ... More Information
HERB CANA HERB CANA senecio vulgaris Family: Composed. Description: From the Latin senex, old man, by the hair white Vilan. Herbaceous plant with root axonomorfa and many radículas. The ... More Information
HERB CARACOLERA HERB CARACOLERA parietariaparietaria officinalis HABITAT: grows between the cracks of rocks and the walls. Spread throughout Europe and dry regions of South America. Description: perennial plant of ... More Information
HERB CARMINE HERB CARMINE phytolacca decandra Family: Fitoláceas. Description: herbaceous plant that reaches up to 3 m, with thick rhizomes and axonomorfa. The stem is smooth and simple in his lo ... More Information
HERB CHICKEN HERB CHICKEN commelina coelestis This plant is used in some regions, mainly to stop bleeding, through the use of leaves, crushed and applied as a poultice. It also serves to make for ... More Information
HERB CIDRERA HERB CIDRERA hierba luisalippia triphylla kuntze The grass luisa is another of the great gifts of the flora of the New World, along with tomatoes, potatoes and many more. Europe has been cultivated ... More Information
HERB cruet HERB cruet estragón  artemisia dracunculus It is one of the few not spontaneously grows in Mediterranean countries, so it was not known in the Greco-Roman antiquity. It was the Arabs who intr ... More Information
HERB DPIEDRAS HERB DPIEDRAS silene saxifraga Description: The herb of the stones is a very small grass that measures no more than an inch and a half in height. However, their height varies depen ... More Information
Herb ESQUINANCIA Herb ESQUINANCIA ... More Information
HERB ESQUINANCIA HERB ESQUINANCIA asperula cynanchica Description: Esquinancia the herb is a small plant that rarely reaches more than two spans tall. The strain persists for a long time, but the branche ... More Information
HERB FLASH HERB FLASH caltha palustris Family: Ranunculáceas. Description: From the Greek Kalathas, basket. Perennial with short rhizomes and abundant radículas arranged in a bundle. The s ... More Information
HERB Hedionda HERB Hedionda pazote chenopodium ambrosioides Before the arrival of Columbus, the ancient inhabitants of Mexico already used pazote for its medicinal properties. Its leaves and flowers give off ... More Information
HERB HEPATIC HERB HEPATIC anemone hepatica Ranunculáceas family. Description, perennial plant of just over 10 cm., Rhizome equipped with abundant radículas. From the rhizomes originate numerou ... More Information
HERB LOMBRICERA HERB LOMBRICERA tanaceto tanacetum vulgare Habitat: widespread throughout Europe except in the Mediterranean region. Naturalized in North America. In Spain, is only found in the Pyrenees and ... More Information
HERB LUISA HERB LUISA lippia triphylla kuntze The grass luisa is another of the great gifts of the flora of the New World, along with tomatoes, potatoes and many more. Europe has been cultivated ... More Information
HERB Maiden HERB Maiden vinca minor Used parts: leaves, stems and flowers. Properties: Anti and purifying. Directions: against intestinal bleeding, nose, etc.., Excessive menstruation. ... More Information
HERB MATE HERB MATE (ilex paraguariensis) English: Paraguay tea. French: Maté From the family of Aquifoliáceas It is the central nervous system stimulant, diuretic and antirheumatic. Taken r ... More Information
HERB Meon HERB Meon euphorbia serpens Names: "Meon yerba", "yerba of the dove", "yerba to swallow," "lechetres," "milk", "CAA-cambuy", "CAA-ambuí", "tupaci-cambuy", "tupa cambú-sign "," A ... More Information
HERB MORA HERB MORA solanum nigrum Family: Solanaceae. Description: annual herbaceous plant, root axonomorfa-white. The stem is herbaceous v branched. The leaves are alternate, ovadas ... More Information
HERB OF CATS HERB OF CATS maroteucrium marum It belongs to the same genus that Germander, which is similar in composition and properties. Although originally came from mainland Europe, it has n ... More Information
HERB OF GARLIC HERB OF GARLIC aliaria  alliaria officinalis It has an aroma similar to garlic, and shared with him some of his noble virtues. It is recommended to use the fresh plant, shortly after it was tor ... More Information
HERB OF HEALTH HERB OF HEALTH vellosilla hieracium pilosella The use of vellosilla, despite going back to the Middle Ages, is not widely used, perhaps because, once dried, it loses its medicinal properties. Ha ... More Information
HERB of lepers HERB of lepers verónica veronica officinalis In the countries of northern Europe, the infusion of Veronica is used as a substitute for tea, for its tonic effect natural, free of side effects. H ... More Information
HERB OF LOS ANGELES HERB OF LOS ANGELES angélica angelica archangelica Is a typical northern plant. In Greenland form large areas, and its inhabitants used extensively since ancient times. Not being Mediterranean plant, ... More Information
HERB OF PATIENCE HERB OF PATIENCE romaza rumex patientia It belongs to the same gender that Barbels botanical de Vaca (Rumex Crispus) of properties very similar, and that the sorrel, which differs by not h ... More Information
HERB OF SAN ANTONIO HERB OF SAN ANTONIO epilobio epilobium angustifolium This beautiful mountains of Europe, in addition to brighten the view with its colorful, communicates a pleasant sweet taste of herbal teas made with ... More Information
HERB OF SAN BENITO HERB OF SAN BENITO geum urbanum ... More Information
HERB OF SAN JUAN HERB OF SAN JUAN HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. St. John's wort / St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum L. St. John's Wort, Corazoncillo, St. John, St. John's wort. Source The drug plant is formed ... More Information
HERB OF SAN MARCOS HERB OF SAN MARCOS tanaceto tanacetum vulgare Habitat: widespread throughout Europe except in the Mediterranean region. Naturalized in North America. Spain is only found in the Pyrenees and the ... More Information
HERB OF SAN PEDRO HERB OF SAN PEDRO parietariaparietaria officinalis HABITAT: grows between the cracks of rocks and the walls. Spread throughout Europe and dry regions of South America. Description: perennial plant of ... More Information
HERB OF THE Hangman HERB OF THE Hangman damianaturnera diffusa willd The leaves of this plant, pleasant flavor of the aromatic, are used in Mexico as a substitute for tea, and enjoy well-deserved reputation as an aphr ... More Information
HERB OF THE JEWS HERB OF THE JEWS vara de oro solidago virga-aurea His name is due to the rigidity of its stem topped by yellow flowers arranged in clusters in the habit of the stem top. HABITAT: grows in forest and ... More Information
HERB OF THE KNIFE HERB OF THE KNIFE pimpinela menor sanguisorba minor The tender shoots of spring Burnet lesser used in salads for their pleasant and refreshing flavor. Like the Burnet higher, this plant was also not k ... More Information
HERB OF THE LAMPARONES HERB OF THE LAMPARONES escrofularia  scrophularia nodosa The name of this plant is derived from "Scrofulosorum", which is known as the affectation of tuberculous lymph nodes. Its roots, full of nodules, re ... More Information
HERB OF THE shepherd HERB OF THE shepherd damianaturnera diffusa willd The leaves of this plant, pleasant flavor of the aromatic, are used in Mexico as a substitute for tea, and enjoy well-deserved reputation as an aphr ... More Information
HERB OF THE SPRING HERB OF THE SPRING hierba luisalippia triphylla kuntze The grass luisa is another of the great gifts of the flora of the New World, along with tomatoes, potatoes and many more. Europe has been cultivated ... More Information
HERB OF THE WALL HERB OF THE WALL parietariaparietaria officinalis HABITAT: grows between the cracks of rocks and the walls. Spread throughout Europe and dry regions of South America. Description: perennial plant of ... More Information
HERB OF VENADO HERB OF VENADO damianaturnera diffusa willd The leaves of this plant, pleasant flavor of the aromatic, are used in Mexico as a substitute for tea, and enjoy well-deserved reputation as an aphr ... More Information
HERB OF warts HERB OF warts celidonia chelidonium majus Uses the whole plant and the latex. For its contents especially in alkaloids properties antispasmodic, colerética, central nervous system sedative, ... More Information
HERB PAGANO HERB PAGANO vara de oro solidago virga-aurea His name is due to the rigidity of its stem topped by yellow flowers arranged in clusters in the habit of the stem top. HABITAT: grows in forest and ... More Information
HERB PULGUERA HERB PULGUERA zaragatonaplantago psyllium Dioscorides recommended it in the first century A.D. as an emollient (softener), and as such has been used until the mid-twentieth century, when it ... More Information
HERB SAN CRISTOBAL HERB SAN CRISTOBAL actaea spicata (Actaea spicata) Description: The St Kitts is a plant alive. Is quite large and easily reach the subway in height. Its stock is thick and dark; part ... More Information
HERB SAN JUAN HERB SAN JUAN hypericum perforatum Castilian: St. John's wort, hipericón, pericón, Perforated, CORAZONCILLO, St John's wort, sanjuanera, English: St. John's wort, hardhay, Tuts, common ... More Information
HERB SAN ROBERTO HERB SAN ROBERTO geranium robertianum Used Part The flowering tops. Active Principles Essential oil: geraniol, citronelal, linalol, terpineol; resin. Abundant tannins (35%). Bitter prin ... More Information
HERB SANTA MARIA HERB SANTA MARIA tanacetum balsamita Used Part The flowering tops. Active Principles Essential oil (1%) of poorly studied composition, suggested the presence of carvone. Drug Action ... More Information
HERB SANTIAGO HERB SANTIAGO senecio jacobaea Used Part The entire plant. Active Principles Alkaloids pirrolizidínicos: fuchesisenecionina, sececionina. Essential oil: anhidrooplopanona, alpha-b ... More Information
HERB TERCIANERA HERB TERCIANERA camedrioteucrium chamaedrys Plant that grows on rocks and in crevices of the old walls, adorning them with his soft purple. It owes its name to Teucr, prince of Troy. Formerly ... More Information
HERB Terral HERB Terral rabo de gato sideritis angustifolia lagasca Plant very popular in eastern and southern Spain, whose employment has expanded rapidly in recent decades. Was first used in veterinary medicine, to ... More Information
hernial hernial ... More Information
HERNIARIA HERNIARIA ... More Information
HIBISCUS HIBISCUS ... More Information
HIBISCUS HIBISCUS hibiscus sabdariffa Used Part The flowers (chalices and epicálices). Active Principles Abundant organic acids: hibiscus (15-23%), malic, citric, tartaric, ascorbic; ant ... More Information
HIDROCOTILE HIDROCOTILE hydrocotile asiatica Hydrocotile asiatica L. Used Part Sumidades the air. Active Principles Derivatives triterpenic: asiaticoside, FLASH. Abundant tannins (20-25%); es ... More Information
HIGUERA HIGUERA ... More Information
HIGUERA DEL DIABLO HIGUERA DEL DIABLO ricino ricinus communis Diosgórides, in the first century AD, already knew the laxative properties of castor oil, but until the eighteenth century did not begin to use in E ... More Information
HIGUERETA HIGUERETA ricino ricinus communis Diosgórides, in the first century AD, already knew the laxative properties of castor oil, but until the eighteenth century did not begin to use in E ... More Information
Higuerilla Higuerilla ricinus communis Its primary medical use is for the stomach pain, fever, colds, infections and external shocks. The leaves and seeds of this plant are the parts most ... More Information
Higuerilla Higuerilla ricino ricinus communis Diosgórides, in the first century AD, already knew the laxative properties of castor oil, but until the eighteenth century did not begin to use in E ... More Information
HIPER HIPER ... More Information
HIPERICO HIPERICO ... More Information
HISOPO HISOPO ... More Information
HOLLY HOLLY ... More Information
HOPS HOPS ... More Information
HOREHOUND HOREHOUND ... More Information
horns horns ... More Information
HORSE TAIL HORSE TAIL ... More Information
Horsetail MORE Horsetail MORE ... More Information
HORTENSE Atriplex (ARMUELLES) HORTENSE Atriplex (ARMUELLES) ... More Information
HOT PEPPERS HOT PEPPERS capsicum annuum Used Part Fruit. Different species are used in the same genre: Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum baccatum; Capsicum pubescens; Capsicum ... More Information
HUACATAY HUACATAY pazote chenopodium ambrosioides Before the arrival of Columbus, the ancient inhabitants of Mexico already used pazote for its medicinal properties. Its leaves and flowers give off ... More Information
HURAPO HURAPO guayabo psidium guajaba It is a very aromatic tree, which was cultivated by native Mexicans before the arrival of the Spanish. The guava fruit is one of the richest in vita ... More Information
Hyper / HERB OF SAN JUAN Hyper / HERB OF SAN JUAN HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. St. John's wort / St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum L. St. John's Wort, Corazoncillo, St. John, St. John's wort. Source The drug plant is formed ... More Information

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