
nogal juglans regia

Noceda (nogal juglans regia) - HIPERnatural.COM
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nogal juglans regia
Other Names:

Noceda, Noguera.

Since the eighteenth century, research in the field of chemistry and nutrition, have highlighted the remarkable healing properties of leaves and fruits of walnut. Today we know that nuts have a high nutritional value, with a protein content similar to that of beef, which was exceeded in terms of the quality of their fat, and in terms of their vitamin and mineral wealth. We must remember that the nut is the fruit endocarp or bone, and its interior is the edible seed. The pericarp or husk from the nuts green, known as nogalina, is the fruit's exterior, fleshy and green, which, although not edible, is, along with the leaves, the most widely used in herbal medicine for its medicinal properties.

Habitat: originating in Central Asia, is widespread throughout central and southern Europe, as well as the North American continent. He prefers the warm valleys and sandy land.

Description: tree up to 30 meters in height, the family of Juglandáceas. Its bark is light gray, and the leaves have a long petiole. It has two types of flowers, male and female. The fruit is a drupe.

Used parts: the leaves and fruit.

Properties and indications: The leaves and nogalina (green hulls of the fruit) contain abundant tannins kind of Gallic and catechists (9% - 11%) which give it its strongly astringent property, as well as derivatives quinones, the most important which is to juglona, bitter substance that, along with vitamin G and organic acids, explains its antiseptic properties, healing, toning, worming and hypoglycemic. These are its main applications:

Digestive Disorders: his intense astringent action makes the leaves of walnut and nogalina (green husk) are useful in all cases of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, colitis, intestinal decomposition and flatulence. His tonic on the organs of digestion, is manifested by an increase in appetite, a more rapid passage of food through the stomach, and increased secretion of bile and pancreatic juice. The dyspeptic, inapetentes and convalescent, they will improve with use.

Gynecological disorders: the leucorrhea (white stream) or cervicitis colpitis (inflammation of the neck of the womb) and ulcers of the neck of the matrix, are the most important application of walnut. Its anti - inflammatory and antiseptic action is very effective when administered in the form of vaginal irrigation. But attention! Before applying any treatment at any of these women's ailments, requires exploration and evaluation of the case by a gynecologist, to rule out potentially malignant or cancerous origin. Irrigations vaginal never should not apply during pregnancy. To get a more intense, it is recommended to take the infusion, in addition to local applications.

Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra or through the urine) and cystitis: a decoction of leaves and / or nogalina (green husks) through a urinary catheter, which relieves itching and irritation that feel when urinating, And urinary desinflamar mucous membranes.

Disorders of the skin and mucous membranes: a decoction of leaves of walnut or nogalina (green husk) on the skin, it is very beneficial, provided that action is required astringent, healing and anti - inflammatory: eczema, impetigo (yellow crusts) Folliculitis, ringworm, sores and ulcers that do not heal. The frostbites, the angina, the pharyngitis, conjunctivitis and hemorrhoids are other of the many ailments that substantially improve your application.

Intestinal parasites: the action - worming is more intense in the hulls of green fruits (nogalina) than in the leaves.

Diabetes: the leaves and peel the fruits have shown a mild hypoglycaemic effect (decrease the level of blood sugar) While alone are insufficient for the treatment of diabetes, may be useful complement to other dietary measures, since they reduce the dose of antidiabetic drugs. The seeds of fruits, ie, nuts contain 15% of high biological value protein, 60 '% fat comprising linoleic and linolenic acid, and significant amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B1, B2 and B6. Well chewed, are a very nutritious food, suitable for athletes, students and young age of growth. Agree to those suffering from exhaustion, fatigue or nervous system disorders. As has been seen, the consumption of nuts reduces the level of blood cholesterol.

Usage: infusion with 10 or 20 grams of leaves and / or nogalina (green husks) per liter of water, 3 to 4 cups per day, this infusion should not interfere with other plants or pharmaceutical preparations containing iron salts, gelatin, mucilages or alkaloids, which can neutralize its properties, it is best to take it alone, or sweetened with honey if desired. Decoction with 20 grams of nogalina (green husks) per liter of water, such as worming are swallowed a couple of cups a day.

For external use, decoction with 100 grams of leaves and / or nogalina (green husks) in a liter of water, making it boil for 15 minutes; applies vaginal irrigations in urethral washed in washes to eyes (conjunctivitis) in bathrooms Seat (haemorrhoids) or in washing towels on the skin, or in gargarismos (pharyngitis) recommended 2 or 3 applications each day.

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