RUDA () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Castilian: Arruda, rue,

Portuguese: Arruda.

French: Rue, péganion, rue officinale, rue fétide.

Italian: map, rua, aruga amara, Erba ruga, Ricola, Arruda.

English: rue, rue wine, herb - of - grace.

Dutch: wijnrui.

German: Rauts, WinRaute, Edelraute, Gartenraute.

Introduction: The main use of Ruda is to treat stomach problems. It is also used to relieve ear pain or nerve diseases, dizziness, colds, coughs, arthritis, varicose veins, minor injuries, rheumatism and gout. It is equally useful for ulcers, sores, mouth wash and as a lotion for your scalp. It is said also to be used to regulate menstrual cramps, helping to give birth and to stimulate milk production. In most cases it takes a 1as tea leaves two or three times a day. The use of Ruda dating from the sixteenth century, was used to alleviate fever, kidney and breast and inflammation of the throat.

Herbaceous perennial 50 - 90 cm. tall stalks with round and blue - green foliage. Its leaves are alternate and their flowers are yellow tops terminals, produce fruit in the form of a drupe. It is of European origin and living in warm climates, semi, dry and mild. It is cultivated in home room and is associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, evergreen, Xeric scrublands, forests of oak and mixed pine.

DESCRIPTION: Plant sufruticosa, vivacious, rhizomatic, which every spring misses many new shoots upright, smooth, hairless, from 30 - 90 cm in height, and up to 150, which is lignifica slowly at the base. Fleshy leaves, petiolated, hairless, alternate, long, the lower pinnatipartidas; the above, simple, sessile or sparsely petiolated; all, glauca or grayish - green, planted with dots glands. Yellow - green flowers, from 1. 5 - 2 cm in curds terminals, 4 petals (except the center of the bunch who has 5) concave and Crusaders, with brief dientecitos at the edges. The fruit is a rounded capsule, with five lobes from the central flower, with four capsules remaining. Branched woody roots and rhizomes. All the plant fired a serious odor, unmistakable, because they contain the essence of all its parts; in the leaves, the sepals and petals. The taste of the rough is slightly agripicante, but it is masked by the intensity of their odor.

It belongs to the same family Citrus, with representatives as well known as the orange or lemon.

Route chalepensis L. is a species very similar, which differs from the previous one in which the petals have many divisions and fine or lacinia marginal.


Barrens, edges of roads, rocks, cliffs, rocks, walls, dry hills, rocks, old walls, barren hills.

It originated in southern Europe, Mediterranean, Eurasia and the Canary Islands, and has a cosmopolitan distribution, extending for South Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, Mediterranean and warm - temperate zones.

Altitude: 0 - 1100 m.

Climate: It is a plant heliófila, to be breeding in full sun, but tolerates semisombra. He prefers situations dry, rocky and sheltered. It is resistant to frost, tolerating up.

15 º C.

Shore: It grows in limestone soils or siliceous, with a preference for the latter. In any case, a warm soil, well drained, dry, stony or heavy, light, permeable, lean. Do not you agree compact clay soils.


It spreads by cuttings of the stems and grows on a perennial in areas of relative fertility, which makes possible the frequent harvests of the foliage.

Flowering and fruiting.

It blooms from May to September, more intensely in June - August.


The leaves and immature fruit.


It contains in all its parts, essential oil (0, 7 - 1, 5%) which contains dozens of components, the principal of which is the metilnonilcetona CH3COC9H19, which represents 75%. It is found mixed with varying amounts of metilheptilcetona CH3COC7H, Phenol (syn. acid Fenice C6H5OH antiseptic) and other substances (ketones, alcohols, esters, terpenes) and cumarinas and its derivatives, as well as flavonoids, including flavonglucósido routine or rutoside, which is vitamin P, formula C27H30O 16 + 3 H2O, a ferment called ramnodiasta down into quercetin and rhamnose, and this finally into glucose and rhamnose; initially bitter, resin, rubber, tannin astringent effects. Vitamin C, alkaloids.


Properties attributed.

Emenagogo, worming, soothing, antispasmodic, diuretic and abortion. It is used in the treatment of disorders of the autonomic nervous system. It stimulates blood flow to the digestive organs and smooth muscles in general. Increases the resistance of blood capillaries.

Rules painful, varicose veins, edema and problems of venous return, dermatological problems.



And mutagenic effects abortion has verified. The essential oil is extremely irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. It is considered poisonous in doses greater than 2 g of dry powder per day.

Plant is toxic. Its essential oil can induce abortion because of the metilnolil - ketone, as well as vomiting, diarrhea and excessive menstruation. Besides those suffering from ailments or in the kidneys should refrain from this plant either in infusion, brews, tinctures or essential oil. Extra caution during flowering because it can cause severe allergies. No closer to the nose.

Other Uses.

The essential oil is useful in perfumery. In small quantities, such as specialty food flavor. In parts of Europe the leaves are mixed with cognac to produce a digestive liqueur.


Plant shrub and perennial unpleasant odor and intense than just touching or rozarla persists in the skin or clothing.

Originally from Southern Europe.

The word derives from the Greek reuo Path, whose meaning is "to save, release, protect".

Hippocrates recommended it as a contraveneno as did Mithridates Eupador.

The Greeks gave him powers against witches and spells.

To cause or facilitate menstruation, Dr. Leclerc recommends the infusion of rue, which is prepared with 1 gr. leaves per cup of boiling water, which can take 2 cups a day. If instead of the fresh leaves are dry, you only 0. 5 grams. per cup. And do not pass here at home use of this plant. The other powers of the rough, and the routine of the essence, is to use only the practitioner.

Bibliographic references.

Fuentes, V. et al. Medicinal plants of popular use referred to as toxic. Bulletin of reviews. 19: 37, 1988 medicinal plants.

Kong, Y. C. et al. Antifertility principle of Ruta graveolens. Planta Medica 55 (2) 176 - 178, 1989.

Roig, J. T. Medicinal plants, aromatic or poisonous to Cuba. La Habana. Ed. Scientific - Technical, 1988. P. 1125.

Sanhueza, M. Study pharmacognostic of Ruta graveolens. Diploma thesis. Inst. Farm and Food. Havana, 1991.

Schirmer, O. et al. Mutagenic compounds in an extract from herbs Route II. Mutat Res - 243 (1) 57 - 62, 1990.

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