tabebuia avellanedae

PAU DARCOS (tabebuia avellanedae) - HIPERnatural.COM
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tabebuia avellanedae
Common names: Pau D 'Arc, Ipe Roxo, Lapacho, Tahuari, Taheebo,


Part Used: The bark.

Pau D 'Arc is a large tree in the rain forest that grows in Central and South America's. Grows up to 150 feet tall and the base of the tree can be 4 to 6 feet in diameter. The family of Tabebuia includes a large number of beautiful big trees that bloom as Pau D 'Arc which produces purple flowers, big and beautiful. Pau D 'Arc and their relatives are common for landscape trees in South American cities. Unfortunately, it is also popular with loggers wood, because wood is of high quality and is heavier than most of the durable wood in the tropics and is used extensively in the construction of houses and boats.

Pau D 'Arc has a long and well - documented history of use by indigenous and using several species of Tabebuia which includes T. heptaphylla, T. impetiginosa, T. rosea, and T. serratifolia. There are even indications of its use by the Incas. In fact, through South America, the tribes who live thousands of miles you have used them for medicinal purposes for centuries. Several Indian tribes of the jungle have used wood from Pau D Arc for centuries to make their bows and common names for this tree, the pole of the arc of media and stems of the arc. The Guarani and Tupi Indians call the tajy tree, which means "have the strength and vigor" and using the bark to treat many different conditions. The uses of indigenous Pau D 'Arc include malaria, anemia, colitis, respiratory problems, colds, coughs, flu, infections hongosl, fever, arthritis and rheumatism, snake bite, poor circulation The diviesos, syphilis, and cancer.

The chemical components and the active ingredients of Pau D 'Arc have been well documented. Their use and cures known with several types of cancers and since 1960 have been carried out studies on this tree and cancer. Its anticancer properties were first attributed to a phytochemical found in the bark and wood called lapachol. In a 1968 study, lapachol showed highly significant activity against cancer tumors in rats. Then in 1974, the NCI reported that Phase I clinical trials failed to produce a therapeutic effect to cure cancer. lapachol with no side effects and discontinued further research of cancer. Another research group developed a lapachol analog in 1975.

Pau D 'Arc is an important resource of the jungle that has many uses and applications in natural medicine. Unfortunately, their popularity and use have been controversial due to several results, which are caused by the lack of quality control, confusion about the part of the plant to use and how to prepare. There are many species of Tabebuia as well as another species of tree completely unrelated exported to South America today as Arc de Pau D "that has little to none of the active components in the species studied and used medicinal true.

With these problems, it's not surprising that consumers and physicians experienced mixed results with the commercially available Pau D 'Arc products. Even with its many uses are effective, consumers must take the time to learn about products and suppliers available and find a safe source for this important medicinal plant of the jungle. Relatively new to the market place are standardized extracts of Pau D 'Arc, which guarantees the amount of lapachol and / or Naphthoquinones (a group of phytochemicals that includes lapachol and at least 8 others documented in Pau D' Arc) Although natural wood and bark are quite effective if the species is properly prepared properly, the new standardized extracts may be buying more secure (albeit more expensive) for most people Legasa and general consumers.


1. "Pau D 'Arc has been revered by the Indians in the jungle for centuries. It is one of the most valuable trees in Brazil. It's called the" divine tree. "It is useful in the inflammation of arthritis and rheumatism, prostatitis, cystitis, and controlarl beneficial for the fungus I have yeast infections in the body. Pau D 'Arc became very popular in 1967 after Dr. Walter Accorsi of the Municipal Hospital in Santo Andres spoke to a reporter from the magazine that printed his story. He said - "From my first experiments with Ipe Roxo (Pau D 'Arc) I learned two important things that greatly encouraged me with respect to cancer: First, it eliminates the pain caused by the disease, and the second, it multiplies number of red blood cells. "This bark is used to treat stomatitis (swelling of the mucus membranes in the mouth) ulcers in the throat, gastric ulcers, chancros of syphilitic, itchiness, wrapping, eczema, and diviesos. ".

2. "Brazilians called pau D 'arc the" divine tree. "Helps increase the production of red blood cells and helps the respiratory disorders, ulcers, excess candida, and athlete's foot. Pau D' arc can fortify blood, aid to dissolve clots and are a antimicóticol. Research in the United States and South America shows that pau D'arc has ingredients found to be effective against some forms of cancer and parasites. Help the lowest levels of blood sugar and promotes digestion. Lapachol of pau D'arc, was recently listed by Purdue University as among the most significant anti - tumor agents of plants. ".

Active Principles.

Lapachol, desoxilapachol, naphthoquinone, anthraquinone, saponosides, flavonoids.

Drug Action.

It has astringent effect (antidiarrheal healing) antibacterial (Gram + antifungal (especially compared to cándidas) Have also described the following effects: analgesic, anti - inflammatory, diuretic, and anti alexitérico.


Diarrhea. In topical use: skin infections, cleaning and disinfection of wounds, burns and skin ulcers; dermatomycosis (candidiasis) osteo inflammations.


Pregnancy (popularly used to be abortifacient)

Do not prescribe oral dosage forms with alcohol content to children under two years or consultants in the process of alcohol addiction.

Caution / Poisoning.

At high doses, the lapachol can cause nausea, vomiting and increased prothrombin time (anticoagulant effect)

Take into account the alcohol content of the fluid extract and tincture.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Decoction to 3%. Boil 5 minutes and leave to infuse for 15. One to three cups a day.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 20 - 40 drops, one to three times a day.

Tincture (1: 5) 50 - 100 drops, one to three times a day.

Comments: Prescribe treatments short (oral)


Gupta, MP. 270 Medicinal Plants Ibero - American. Santafe de Bogota: Latin American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) 1995, pp. 189 - 91.

James, A; Duke, Ph. D. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. 5. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1987, pp. 470 - 1, 523.

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