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Sambucus mexicana Presl. Fam Caprifoliaceae.

Is generally used to relieve respiratory diseases such as whooping cough, flu and bronchitis, as well as bile for digestive disorders, diarrhea, stomach pain and constipation. On the other hand, is well known that it has the virtue to cure ailments from heart and hemorrhoids. It has proved effective as a laxative, disinfectant, diuretic, and to combat intestinal parasites, conjunctivitis and infections of the eyes and ears. The most used is the flower, both orally, in baths, washing or building; can be used locally as the fruit and leaves macerated in water, or the cooking of branches and seeds as water usage.

Shrub 2 to 5 m tall, has gray stems and leaves divided into five flakes; its flowers are white and are grouped in the final part of the branches. The fruits are small and black. Lives in temperate climates and lives associated with the tropical deciduous and evergreen forest; Xeric scrublands, thorny forests, cloud mountain, oak and mixed pine.


Sambucus nigra.

The elder is considered a "tree of God. " The Spanish brought it to America in the sixteenth century, and has been acclimatized in many regions of the New Continent, even in the Andean heights. It has come to believe that the healer of Tolima (Colombia) Perdomo Neira, used for the elder potion, "the thunder of Perdomo. ".

The flowers contain tannins, and a glucoside essence, and the leaves and bark is an alkaloid extracted, the sambucina.

For fatigue to irritation of the eyes must be made with liquid washes to eyes resulting from the decoction of the bark of the elder.

Shrub 2 to 4 meters high, but sometimes can be transformed into a tree and reach 10. It is a native of central Europe and extends into East and America. The trunk is is a gray bark, with the warty surface. The branches remain green during the first year, but soon become woody. The flowers appear on the edge of the green twigs and form a dense mass of small flowers that appear umbels (in the form of umbrellas) Off a pleasant aroma, but lack of nectar, so you never see insects on them. The fruit is a berry (seeds wrapped in a layer fleshy, like the grapes) violet, nearly black, shiny acharolado. Also known as sabuco and Sabugo.

COLLECTING: It blooms in spring, which is when the flowers should be cut (the elderberry mountain take longer to bloom) The flowers are dried in the shade in a ventilated place, then stored in sealed jars The fruits were collected later summer. The crust is pulled out in the fall, but the second year (the woody, which is still not green) is peeling and despises the outer layer, retained the interior, tender and green.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: Against the inflammation (beatings, twist there is the old custom of throwing smoke cloth flowers to the fire, then applies the parties concerned. The infusion of flowers or leaves is also effective, and also serves as the soothing and sudorific cough, wash your eyes: it is prepared with average umbel of flowers (or a pinch of leaves) per cup. It may take two or three a day, for the eyes, is applied with a cloth or directly, drops) Fresh fruit in decoction used to prepare a purifying drink (50 grams are boiled fruit in a liter of water for a quarter of an hour) bark, in decoction (prepares as fruit) has laxative effects if taken a cup, and more after quarter of an hour. The bark is also diuretic take two or three cups a day of the decoction of bark freshly extracted, chopped and boiled (1 / 4 kilo of bark per liter of water, boiling until reduced by half)

Used Part.

The flowers eventually fruit, leaves and bast.

Active Principles.

Flowers: Flavonoids: rutoside (3%) isoquercitrósido, kenferol; essential oil (0, 03 - 0, 1%) Mucilages, acids fenilcarboxílicos: caféico, chlorogenic, p - coumarin. Traces of sambunigrósido. Acids triterpenic: Ursola, oleanólico. Phytosterols, abundant potassium salts.

Fruits: anthocyanin: sambuca, sambucianósido (in the seeds: sambunigrósido, prunasósido) traces of essential oil. Reducing sugar, pectin, citric acid and malic acids, vitamin C.

Crust: Heterósidos cianogenéticos: sambunigrósido, which splits in prussic acid and fitohemaglutinin. Tannins, hill.

Drug Action.

Flowers: diuretic, diaphoretic, demulcent, venotónico, antirheumatic, galactógeno.

Fruits: diuretic, diaphoretic, is a half - dose laxative, and in higher doses, purgative. Topically is used so popular for treating neuralgia and rheumatic pain.

Crust: diuretic, astringent, hemostatic local healing.


Flowers: Colds, flu, osteo inflammations, gout, oliguria, urolithiasis, cystitis. Varicose veins, haemorrhoids, retinopathy, capillary fragility. In topical use: blefaroconjuntivitis.

Crust: Rheumatism, gout, oliguria, urolithiasis, cystitis.


Do not prescribe oral dosage forms with alcohol content to children under two years or consultants in the process of alcohol addiction.

Side Effects.

The raw fruit can produce an effect emetocatártico.

Caution / Poisoning.

We must be cautious because of the presence of cyanogen heterósidos (10 mg / CHN% of the fresh leaves and up to 0. 80% in fruits)

The popular use of under - ripe fruit, decoctions of roots or stems, as well as the fruits as laxative, are the most frequent causes of poisoning elder. We recommend not to prescribe as a purgative.

Take into account the alcohol content of the fluid extract and tincture.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

We recommend prescribing only the flowers and extracts.

Internal use:

Infusion: 5 grams per cup. Infuse 10 minutes. Drink at will. When prescribing sudorific as in the treatment of febrile illnesses, should be taken very hot.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 20 to 40 drops, one to three times a day.

Tincture (1: 5) 50 - 100 drops, one to three times a day.

External use:

Infusion: 60 to 80 g / l, infuse 10 minutes. Apply in the form of eye baths.

Maceration oily flower is popularly used for treating wounds and burns.


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Rivera, D; Obon, C. The Guide INCAFE of useful and Poisonous Plants of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearics. Madrid: INCAFE, 1991, pp. 146, 936 - 40.

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