TILO () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Castilian: Tilia, Tila, tillo.

English: large - leaved lime, lime tree.

INTRODUCTION: This tree is used in various areas of America where the principal medical application is as soothing of nerves. The flower or fruit are the most used in cooking and ingested as tea. The "Tila tea", as is also known, is used as a treatment for heart problems and blood pressure. It is also recommended for cramps and irregularities in the menstrual period. It is also used as an emollient, a sedative and to treat rheumatism.

Tree bark smooth with straight stems that reach about 18 m in height. Its leaves are acorazonada form and the flowers are yellow. They are grouped in clusters and fruits originate from globose appearance. It is of Mexican lands and live in warm climates, temperate and semi. It is associated with the tropical deciduous forest vegetation, subcaducifolia, mountain cloud forests of oak and pine.


The linden tree is a good habit, with dense foliage, which gives impenetrable shade and fresh, swimming in the winter. It has large leaves, 8 to 14 cm. long, heart - shape, with uneven sides at the base and apex pointy, jagged edges and irregularly scalloped, a dark green and hairless on the beam, giblets and more pale hair on the lower side, in which copitos are whitish hair on The angles that form the nerves in his boot, in this lower side or lower side of the road, much highlights the rib, which is Palm, or lateral side with nerves and other nerves, tertiary, that, traversed across and parallel form as a ladder between two of the side. The leaves of linden are scattered along the branches and, as these are placed horizontally in two runs, on both sides of the branches, with the blade facing the light or a little flanked.

The flowers are born near the nipple of the road, fueled by a long bars that dilates and shape as a long and narrow road, a pale green, a little coriacea, half of which is free and loose in top, at the end of the long bars are born three to five flowers on cabillejos shorter.

Each of these consists of a cup of five sepals and is among aovada lanceolate, membranes, slightly concave and - white waxy; located between every two sepals, five petals are born a little closer and longer, issued in star - shaped and yellow.

very pale.

The stamens are numerous, and the filaments are free, white, and anther, yellow. The pistil is composed of a base cupuliforme and hairy, the rudiment of the fruit, and a stylish green and hairless.

The fruit is too hairy, ovoidal, and shows five ribs in longitudinal stress, is dry at maturity, and does not open ever.

The leaves of linden have something aromatic herbaceous flavor, pleasant, and release some mucilago similar to the mauve, the flowers off mild aroma, and the bees come to them.

It blooms in June and July, more or less if belatedly live up to much.

It was breeding in forests of other trees, mingled with them and splashed into the woods,

PART USED medicinal:

The flowers with their bracts and the sapwood is, the cortex deprived of its outer casing.


The lime tree can reach up to 35 m in height. The flowers are yellow and soft sweet smell.


The flowers: 0. 02% of essential oil (Farnesol, geraniol, eugenol, linalol, esters phenylethyl) Flavonoids: between 5 and 9% depending on the species: astragalina, quercitrina, isoquercitrina and canferitrina. Sapwood: contains mucilages, tannins, taraxerol, cumarinas and Vanillin.


Here's detail the various types of existing lime trees:

Tilia microphylla (T. L. Europe) This is a linden aespecie of Central Europe and subalpine regions.

Tilia intermediate De Candolle: It is a hybrid of Tilia platyphylla and Tilia microphylla. It grows well in southern Europe.

Tilia stormy Montch: It originates in Turkey and Asia Minor.

Tilia rubra Candolle: It is originally from Crimea, the Caucasus and Armenian.

Tilia petiolaris De Candolle: Southeastern Europe is considered as my research as a subspecies of the stormy Tilia.

Tilia glabra Vent: This is the style of Canada and the U. S.

Tilia heterophyla Vent: U. S.

Tilia H. pubescens K. Is a native of Carolina, USA.

Tilia canadensis Mich. North America.

Tilia parvifolia: It is a small leaf linden. Asilvestrado is in Europe and is cultivated in many parks.

Use and virtues of linden (Tilia platyphyllos Scopoli)

The most important relates to its power to calm the nervous excitement. Everyone will exalt with a cup of coffee, and, therefore, can not sleep, regain calm with a cup of Tila, which is a sedative and appeasement.

Probadla, especially, as mentioned above: be prepared exclusively with flowers well preserved, shielded from dust and light. The infusion of the flowers of linden significantly lowers the acidity of the stomach, therefore, recommends around the end of a meal in the cases of gastric hyperacidity: weigh 1 ounce of flowers and distribuidlas in twelve parts, each part, encircle a white paper clean, and well guardadla. With the flowers of each of these piquetitos can prepare a cup of Tila, throwing flowers into the boiling water, plugging the pileup and withdraw immediately from the fire. The Tila takes sweetened with sugar or honey.

Some people, to enhance its action, added to this tea a teaspoon of orange blossom water.


Tilia platyphyllos)

The world's most famous linden trees are perhaps those who, in four lines, were planted along the avenue called Unter den Linden (under the lime trees) which, starting from the Brandenburg Gate, is an internal kilometer in what was East Berlin.

Sacred tree of the ancient Germanic, including mochas legends related to the linden highlights of the Siegfried, who snatches your treasure to a legendary village of dwarves, the Nibelungen. Siegfried is invulnerable thanks to a bloodbath that covered her body, but a leaf linden fall on his back prevented the contact of blood with skin and marked its weakest there. The dwarves are destroying the lives of Siegfried shooting an arrow in his back, between the shoulder blades, where is their weakness, and recover its treasure.

LOCATION: Lives alone in the temperate and subtropical regions of the northern hemisphere, not a forest grows along with other trees such as beech or maple, in areas bleak. In the mountains, grows up to 1, 800 m above sea level.

FEATURES: It is a tree leaf falls from 15 to 40 m in height, trunk smooth, with leaves ACORAZONADO of serrated edges, whose dimensions vary greatly depending on the species. The flowers of five petals yellowish, small, form groups of between 5 and 10 joined by a common stalk that is inserted into the branches accompanied by a bract or 'road protection ", a sort of widening of the stalk, in the form of language, Which protects the head and favors the spread of the fruit to air act as a body flying. The flower produces nectar very pleasant smell, which attracts crowds of bees. E1 is the fruit globose, with 4 0 5 ribs. Follows a very pleasant aroma. He was also known as Tilia, Till, tillón and arguments.

ACTIVE: The flowers are essentially rich in Farnesol, an alcohol that gives it part of their medicinal properties. They also are tannins, oils and mucilage.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: Today we know the 'Tila' (infusion of linden flowers) as a soothing of nerves, as well sudorific is, and antispasmodic mitigates the acidity of the stomach.

COLLECTING: He says the tradition that we must climb the tree to pick the flowers; true, because there are few branches to which it reaches the ground. The active ingredients are only found in flowers, so they should be used without the bract (the 'leaves' in the form of language that protects the head) although it is true that the flowers herbalists dispensed with the bract, perhaps to we know that this is really the flowers of linden, anyway, it is also true that the bracts, although in much smaller quantities that the flowers, they also contain active ingredients. Must be freshly picked flowers open, or cocoons, or regularly. The flowering occurs in the first third of the summer. Once dried will be kept away from the light, dry places, it is not advisable to save more than a year, that is, with each bloom, tiraremos, even if there are, those of the previous year.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: We have to reach the century Xlll to know the great effectiveness of lime as a calming of the nervous excitement. It is administered in infusion (known as Tila) a teaspoon of flowers per cup after meals. A single jack is effective to calm a state of momentary excitement.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Infusion (inflorescences) one tablespoon per cup of dessert, infuse 10 minutes. Two to four cups a day.

Decoction (sapwood) 30 g / l, boil 15 minutes, two to four cups a day, half an hour before meals. Especially indicated in dyskinesias bile and migraines. Discontinuous treatment is recommended: 10 to 20 days a month.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 20 to 40 drops, 3 or 4 times a day.

Tincture (1: 5) 50 to 100 drops, one to three times a day.

Dry extract (5: 1) 0. 3 to 1 g / day.

External use:

Infusion: 300 to 600 grams in four liters of water. Infuse 30 minutes. Add to bath water.

Colorless liquid extract or glycolic extract (1: 5) in creams, gels and shampoos.

Distilled water linden.


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