maízzea mays l.

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maízzea mays l.
Other Names:

Hit, Altoverde, Boron, CANGUIL, Capio, rubber, Choclo, Cuatequil, Dance, Malajo, Mijo Turquesco, Millo, Zara.

The maize was the staple of many of the pre - Columbian inhabitants of the Americas. He was cultivated, from the south of what are now the United States to Peru and Bolivia, on the red skins, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. In Mexico have found remains of maize in prehistoric sites dating back more than 4, 000 years.

Habitat: originally from Mexico and Central America, but cultivated throughout the world as food and fodder. No longer exists as a wild plant.

Description: annual plant of the family of grasses, with separate male and female flowers. The latter are grouped in one ear, which was just becoming cob. In each of the female flowers of the ear, there is a style of about 20 cm long. All styles together form the hair or beard of corn. Fruit are grains of corn.

Used parts: the fruits, and styles, poorly called stigmata.

Properties and indications: the grain of corn contains carbohydrates or carbohydrates (70 - 77%) protein (7 '% - 10%) and fats (3% - 5%) plus minerals and trace elements (mainly, fluorine) Their protein is more complete picture of what was thought, though slightly lower than that of wheat and far less complete than that of soybeans. However, like rice, notable for its lack of gluten, protein substance that can cause inflammation in the intestinal mucosa, a disease known as celiaquía. These are the applications of a grain of corn:

Emollient and protector of the intestinal mucosa: corn and flour, with its total lack of gluten, are very useful for those suffering celiaquía and, in general, for children who suffer from poor absorption or chronic diarrhea. Currently, in the case of infants, it is recommended to begin the transition diet of milk alone which includes cereal flour, with mixtures of corn or rice, that the absence of gluten, are tolerated better than those of wheat, barley or rye, which they contain.

Frenador metabolism: corn relentiza the activity of the thyroid gland, and thus slows the metabolism. It is recommended to hipertiroideos already convalescing, anemic and malnourished, as a restorative. It is useful in the diets of fattening.

However, it should indicate that the protein of corn, called Zein, is low in lysine and tryptophan, two essential amino acids, as well as niacin, a vitamin. Therefore the people who are fed only maize, tend to suffer from nutritional deficiencies, which can cause diseases such as pellagra. In contrast, corn combined with other cereals, legumes or milk, that is, as a component of a more varied diet, it is a very nutritious food and helps to meet the needs of the protein diet.

Cholesterol reduction: the oil which is extracted from the seeds of corn is very rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it is appropriate for those who have excess cholesterol in the blood.

Externally, the corn flour is applied in cataplasms hot on the kidneys in case of renal colic, as well as on the urinary bladder in cases of cystitis. Its effect is enhanced when used in conjunction with the infusion of styles.

The styles or stigmas of maize, which form their beautiful hair are actually some fine lines that flow into the ovary of flowers. For them penetrate the grains of pollen to fertilize. They are rich in potassium and flavonoids, which confers diuretic action and contain allantoin, which makes them sedatives and anti - inflammatory drugs, and furthermore, tannins and steroids. Its diuretic and purifying action is intense and very well tolerated, without irritating the kidneys or cause decompensation in the electrolyte balance of blood. Can be taken for long periods of time. They are very listed in the following cases:

Circulatory disorders: edema (fluid retention) swollen legs (including pregnancy) heart disease, high blood pressure, excess salt in the diet.

Lithotripsy, either due to uric calculations, phosphate or oxalate, renal colic, for its sedative and anti - inflammatory action.

Inflammation of the kidney (nephritis) of urine from the bladder (cystitis) albumin in the urine (nephrosis)

Gout (excess uric acid) arthritism, subpalpebrales edema (bags under the eyes) and any time you want to remove excess accumulated toxins in the blood (for example, after spending a flu)

Use: The corn and flour are taken on many forms as a food dishes and more. In infusion of styles, 30 grams per liter of water is taken hot or cold, morning or afternoon, but not at night, at a rate of 3 to 5 cups a day. The oil is obtained from the seeds of maize grain, is used like any other cooking oil, preferably raw.

Externally, in cataplasms cornmeal that apply hot on the kidneys and the bladder for 10 minutes, 2 - 3 times daily. In case of renal colic and cystitis are combined with the ingestion of infusions of styles.

Precautions: styles of corn, marked by its diuretic effect, are discouraged both for those suffering from hypertrophy of the prostate.

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