asparagus officinalis

ESPARRAGO (asparagus officinalis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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asparagus officinalis
Spargaein the Greek word meaning "sprout", ie throw new shoots, and the ends of the stems are called, also in Greek, asparagus, which are the edible asparagus that we all know.

Esparreguera, and the far side of the stem, thick and fleshy, to be known as asparagus. Its active ingredient is the esparraguina of diuretic properties, snacks and antitussives.

Farmer preparing bunches of asparagus. Besides being a plant proven medicinal properties, has been cultivated as a vegetable since ancient times.

It is known that in ancient Egypt over 6, 000 years ago, were grown asparagus, from where, through the Middle East, arrived in Greece. From there it spread its cultivation throughout Europe, and the Spaniards introduced in America in the sixteenth century. By then were known diuretic properties and also is considered a delicacy luxury.

FEATURES: It is a herbaceous plant, vivacious, thick rhizomes (underground stems) with upright stems up to one and a half meters tall. The leaves are tiny, whitish, almost invisible. What we seem to our eyes leaves are but modified stems (called cladodes) the appearance of a needle, colored green, arranged in bouquets of three or four "leaves". The flowers appear along the stem and, in the form of a bell hanging from it. They are very small, about 5 Mm. Light green. The end of the stem, when it starts to develop, is thick and tender, this is what is known as asparagus.

LOCATION: We do not know of any place where it grows spontaneously with some exceptions in sandy areas near the sea although in the case could come from plants grown supposed to have originated in Asia. Since it is known, has always been cultivated plant. It requires a conducive ground to enable him to develop the rhizome, airy spot and drained (sandy)

ACTIVE: The fresh asparagus contains esparraguina and thyroxine (amino acids) the first responsible for their pharmacological properties in the second of his scent. The rhizome also contains esparraguina, but in varying amounts depending on the season; owns, in addition, a saponin and various oils and sugars.

Used Part.

The roots, rhizomes and shoots (young shoots)

Medicinal properties: The asparagus is, basically, but it also has diuretic properties snacks and antitussives.

COLLECTION: The asparagus should be caught in spring, when we begin to develop later will be thicker, but the hardest and least appetizing. The rhizome change, you need to start (with roots that hang) last summer, in autumn.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: The asparagus are used feed horn, with the additional benefits d therapeutic virtues. Eaten raw aligned with mayonnaise or with salt, oil, vinegar (or lemon) or boiled, alignment is also very appetizing tortilla asparagus just fry a little asparagus to the skillet add the beaten eggs anyway, with the rhizome is prepares) potion for therapeutic purposes, the best known is the so - called five - roots syrup that involves, in addition, the roots (or rhizomes) celery, fennel, parsley RUSCO and put to boil 200 grams of roots (equal parts of each of them) in a liter of water and is kept boiling until the water has been reduced by half; Slips added 3 / 4 kilo of sugar, stirring until they dissolve. A spoonful of the syrup with meals can serve as an appetizer or antitussive diuretic should be taken before meals.

Drug Action.

The fructosanas, potassium salts and saponosides give it a diuretic action. The abundant fiber asparagus produces a laxative effect. Popularly considered "purifying".


States that require an increase in urine output: genitourinary disorders (cystitis, ureteritis, urethritis, oliguria) hiperazotemia, hyperuricemia, hypertension, edema, overweight accompanied by fluid retention. Consumption is advisable when shoots have been accidentally ingested small objects (which does not require action surgery) since they involve the abundance of fiber and reduce the possibility of internal injuries.


Kidney or heart failure (unless medically indicated)

Do not prescribe dosage forms with alcoholic content for oral administration in children under two years or consultants in the process of alcohol addiction.

Side Effects.

Its content was methyl mercaptan, announced a special smell the urine.

In topical use can trigger contact dermatitis (scabies asparagus from the canning industry workers)

Caution / Poisoning.

The saponosides can cause irritation of the renal endothelium.

The accident takes the fruits can cause irritation of the renal endothelium.

The use of diuretics in the presence of urolithiasis, hypertension or heart disease, should be done only by prescription and under medical supervision, given the possibility of occurrence of decompensation or tension, if the elimination of potassium is considerable, enhancing the effect of cardiac.

Take into account the alcohol content of the extract fluid from the dye and syrup.

Assess the appropriateness of the administration of dosage forms with alcohol content (fluid extract, tincture) during pregnancy, infancy, young children or people with gastritis, gastric ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis, and are totally forbidden during the processes of alcohol addiction.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Use a food (shoots)

Decoction: 50 g / liter. Boil 15 minutes, 250 ml. three times a day between meals.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 30 - 50 drops, one to three times a day.

Tincture (1: 10) 50 - 100 drops, two or three times a day.

Syrup (10% extract fluid) 20 to 60 g / day.


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