schinus molle

TREE OF PERU (schinus molle) - HIPERnatural.COM
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schinus molle
Introduction: It is a kind of widely used and recommended for digestive ailments such as colic, bile, stomach pain and constipation. Also for the toothache, teeth and chopped the healing of wounds, which applies resin. It is used to the discomfort of rheumatism, using the branches as porridge or boiled macerated for local application or soaked in alcohol to rub affected. When presented ailments such as cough, colds, asthma and tuberculosis, are making the infusion. In diseases such as gonorrhea, as well as in cases of irritated eyes, conjunctivitis and cataracts, the leaves are used in cooking or crushing them for washes. On the other hand, is used to the bad air, shock and horror, which are commonly called clean or swept away.

Tree measuring up to 15 m in height, has the crust cracked, and is always green and its branches hanging. The flowers are tiny and stem ramilletes fruit globose. Originates in America and live in warm climates, semi, dry and mild. Grows wild along roads and is linked to Xeric scrublands, grassland, mountain cloud forests of oak and mixed pine.


Family: Anacardiaceae Schinus.

Common names: Brazilian Peppertree, Aroeira, Brush, Peppertree Peru, Peruvian Mastic Tree, California Peppertree, Mastic Tree, Aroeira Salsa, Aguaribay, pepper American Anacahuita, Castilla, Pepper False, Gualeguay, Salve Jesuit, Molle Del Peru, Mulli, Pepper Tree, Pimentero, Pimientillo, Pirul.

Brazilian Peppertree, small tree that grows 4 - 8 feet tall with a trunk 25 - 35 cm. in diameter and narrow leaves Spiky. It produces an abundance formed in the small flower stalk, bears a fruit similar to the berry the months of December and January. It is indigenous to South and Central America and can be found in the tropics and the united states. Three species of trees are used interchangeably, molle of Schinus, aroeira of Schinus, and terebinthifolius of Schinus.

Virtually all parts of this tropical tree have been used medicinally through the tropics including its leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, resin and oleoresin or balm. It has a long history of use and the plant appears on artifacts or ancient religious idols of the Amerindian Chilean. All parts of the tree have a high oil content and the essential oil that produces a pungent smell aromatic. The leaves of the Brazilian Peppertree have such a high oil content browsing and pieces stretch of torque when placed in hot water as the oil is released. The berries have a peppery taste and is used in syrups, vinegar and drinks in Peru, Chilean wines, and Africa are dried and milled as a substitute for pepper. The dried fruits have yet been used as an adulterant of black pepper in some countries. The tree also produces a resin and oleoresin or balm that is used medicinally.

Brazilian Peppertree has a long history of uses through the South and Central America and is reported to be astringent, balsamic, collyrium, diuretic, emmenagogue, masticatory, Piscicide, purgative, stomach, tonic, antiviral. Its use by indigenous people in countries where it grows are well documented. In Peru is used as a purgative and diuretic, and the whole plant is used externally for fractures and as an antiseptic for topical use. The oleoresin in Peru is used externally as a heal and for toothache and takes internally for rheumatism, a disease called popular "Suto, " and as a purgative. In South Africa, a tea leaf is used to treat colds, and a decoction of the leaves is inhaled for colds, hypertension, for depression, and arrhythmia. In the Brazilian Amazon, a bark tea is used as a purgative and a tea of bark and leaves are used as a stimulant and antidepressant. In Argentina, a decoction is made with dried leaves and is often used for menstrual disorders, infections and stretch disorders as well as respiratory and urinary tract.

The Brazilian Peppertree is still used in botanical medicine in many countries. It is used for many conditions in the tropics, including amenorrhea, ulcers, gonorrhea, bronchitis, cataracts, dysmenorrhea, gingivitis, gonorrhea, gout, ophthalmia, rheumatism, sores, the swellings, tuberculosis, ulcers, urethritis, the urogenital disorders and venereal and rolling. In the Brazilian botanical medicine, the bark or dried leaves are used for fever, urinary disorders for the burning and pain, for cystitis, for urethritis, for gonorrhea, for coughs, to bronchitis, respiratory problems and other superiors, The complaint, diarrhea, bleeding disorders and with excessive menstrual blood, tumors, and inflammation general. A liquid extract or tincture prepared from the bark is used internally as a stimulant, tonic and astringent, and externally for rheumatism, gout and syphilis. The leaves and fruit were added to bathrooms and rolled to ulcers.

The analysis of photochemical Brazilian Peppertree reveals that the plant contains tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins of steroids, sterols, terpenes, gums, resins and essential oils. The essential oil in the leaves, bark and fruits, are a rich source of Triterpenes, Sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes and many of the plant have documented biological activities are attributed to the essential oils found in plants. The fruit can contain up to 5% of essential oils and leaves may contain up to 2% of essential oil. In the laboratory test, the essential oil as well as an extract of the leaves proved a good strong antihongos actions against numerous fungi and candida in Vitro. The leaf essential oil and clinics have shown activity in vitro antibacterial and antimicrobial activity against many pathogenic bacteria and in several studies. In 1996 a U. S. patent was awarded for a preparation of essential oil of Brazilian Peppertree as a bactericide of tropical medicine used against eruginosa of Seudomonas and áureas Staphylococcus for humans and animals and as an ear, nose and throat preparation against bacteria. The same company was granted another patent in 1997 for a similar preparation to be used as a topical use of antibacterial cleaning coils. In much earlier in vitro tests, an extract from the leaves of the Brazilian Peppertree showed antiviral effect against several virus and the plant was to be cytotoxic to cancer cells 9kb. The bark and leaves contain a phytochemical, acid gallica, which has been documented with anti - inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral properties and anticarcinoma that may explain part of the earliest documented properties of extracts from the leaves and bark.

Several research groups have conducted studies in animals over the years Peppertree Brazilian has justified some of its many uses in traditional herbal medicine. An extract of the fruit and an extract of the leaf were shown to produce a hypotensive activity in dogs and rats, as well as stimulating activity of uterine Indies in guinea pigs and rabbits. Very recently, extracts from the leaves have been tested by other researchers between 1996 and 1997 and its analgesic and antispasmodic activity has been demonstrated in mice in rats. The essential oil was also to be an effective insect repellent against the house fly in 1996.

Today, hervoralarios and natural health practitioners in both the North and South America use the Brazilian Peppertree for the most part to viral and bacterial infections appreciates colds, influenza, asthma, bronchitis and other upper respiratory infections, where aid for hypertension and heart for arrhythmia, and when a balance of grass for many female menstrual disorders, menstrual hinders, PMS and menopause.

References / footnotes:

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Gonzalez, F. et. al. 1987. An inspection of plants with properties Antifertility described in the People's Congress of the South American Princess of Medicine Abstr I Bangkok Thailand 10 - 13 December 1987: 20pp. 1987)

Perez, C. et. al. 1994. Inhibition of Pseudomonas Aerguinosa by Argentinean Medicinal Plants. Fitoterapia 65 2: 169 - 172 (1994)

Hartwell, J. L. 1971. The plant used againt singing. An inspection. Lloydia, P. 30, 1967 - 1971.

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The list, PH and Horhammer, L. 1979. Hager Pharmazeutischen Handbuch der Praxis, Vols. 2 to 6. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany 1969 - 1979.

Cruz, G. L. 1995. Dicionario Das Do Brasil useful plants, fifth ed. Bertrand, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Coimbra, Raul, 1994. The manual Fitoterapia second Ed. Editora Cejup: Belem, Brazil.

Terhune, S. et. al. 1974. Spathulene B: a new Sesquiterpenes in the oil molle of Schinus, Phytochemistry, 13, 865 (1973)

Dominguez, X. et. al. 1970. An inspection of Chemistry Seventeen Mexican Medicinal Plants. Planta Med 18: 51 - 1970)

Balbi of Pozzo, T. et. al. 1978. The acids of triterpenes of molle of Schinus. Phytochemistry17: 2107 - 2110 (1978)

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Gundidza, M. et. al. 1993. Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Schinus molle Linn. Africia J Med Central 39 11: 231 - 234 (1993)

Ross, S. et. al. 1980. Antimicrobial Activity of Some Egyptian Aromatic Plants. Fitoterapia 51: 201 - 205 (1980)

Simons, J. et. al. 1963. Sources such as type Succulent Plant Virus Inhibitors. Phytopathology 53: 677 - 683 (1963)

Bhakuni, D. et. al. 1976 Choosing Plants for the Chilean Anticancer Activity. I. Lloydia39 4: 225 - 243 (1976)

Bello, R. et. al. 1996. Effects on Blood Pressure and Blood of Dichloromethanol Methanol extracted from the molle Schinus L. in rats. The Thing of Phytother 10 7: 634 - 635 (1996)

Camano, R. the method for treating bacterial infections U. S. patent 5512284 on April 30, 1996.

Camano, R. the composition of essential oil with the united states of activity of bactericide Patent 5635184 On June 3 1997.

Zaidi, S. et. al. 1970. Some Preliminary Studies of the activities of Pharmacological molle of Schinus. The Thing of Pak Ind J Sci 13: 53 - 1970)

Moreno, M. 1922. Several of the action in the People's Medicaments Isolated Uterus. Soc Biol Fil sessions of S CR 87: 563 - 564 (1922)

Barrachina, M. 1997. Analgesic Effects and Central depressant extract of Dichloromethanol molle of Schinus L. The Thing of Phytother 11 4: 317 - 319 (1997)

Bello, R. et. al, 1996. Effects on Blood Pressure and Blood of Dichloromethanol Methanol extracted from the molle Schinus L. in rats. The Thing of Phytother 10 7: 634 - 635 (1996)

Wimalaratne, P. et. al. 1996. Isolation and Identification of house flies, from Musca domestica L. repellents of Pepper Tree of Schinus LJ Chem Ecol molle 22 1: 49 - 59 (1996)

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