CAT'S CLAW () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Castilian: Cat's Claw, doodle, Bejuco water, collided, rangaya, Unfortunately, paotali, Unganangi.

English: cat's claw.

Spanish: Cat's Claw, doodle, Bejuco water, collided, rangaya, Unfortunately, paotali, Unganangi.

French: Griffe du chat.

English: cat's claw.

Alkaloids: they have come to isolate up to 6 alkaloids type oxindólico stressing the pteropodina (Isomer A) and the plant rynchofilina Steroids: beta - sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, Polyphenols and triterpenoids.

Directions: tumors, allergies, digestive problems, arthritis, osteoarthritis, infections, immune system, AIDS, thrombosis, pneumonia.

Contraindications: There are no reliable data so far of their toxicity, although applications in various subjects even at high doses have not detected side effects.


According to a South American missionary, was an effective remedy against cancer, especially lung cancer. The cat's claw was known for centuries by the Aguaruna, the Bora, the Ashánika, the Conibo, the Piore, the Shipibo and Mashiguenga, all of them indigenous communities of Peru.

Among the people precolombianos is considered a magical plant and very healthy. They used the bark of the stems for curing tumors, digestive problems, infections and arthritis. To do this boil the bark until you have a very bitter liquid, but also make maceration in water and alcohol.

The Ashánicas sheets used against allergies. It is shown that these treatments in the efiacia comes from the 5 days. Arthritic pain in about three months. Plant is in general use among peasants and in Lima, the capital of Peru, is in pharmacies.

The Cat's Claw belongs to the family of Rubiaceae. One grows at elevations ranging from 600 to 1, 000 meters.

Beware confuse it with other varieties that have the same common name by which thing I ask for their scientific name: Uncaria tomentosa. The Onosis spinosa, which is of pulses was marketed in Spain as a cat, effects of diuretics. The Carpobrotus edulis is a cactus that is also commonly called cat's claw, with the particularity of possessing anti properties.

In Peru has banned its collection and marketing of its root, something that I feel good, to protect the species from speculators and vandals. The crust is extracted from the stems that are cut by over 1 meter above the ground. After this operation, the vine is regenerated in 4 years. The Cat's Claw is grown in nurseries, although never be the same as the wild varieties.

1952: Raymond - Hayer identifies an alkaloid in the leaves of Uncaria guianensis, the rincofilina.

1967: The Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Munich, through the method is compreba Brand immunostimulant action of extracts of Uncaria tomentosa. It was amended in 1978 by Tympner.

1974: Phillipson and Hemingway discovered in the leaves of Uncaria guianensis and the Uncaria tomentosa, the iso - rincofilina, and the alkaloids mitrafilina, dihidrocorinanteína, uncarina, hirsuteína. The isomitrafilina only be found in the variety Uncaria tomentosa.

1976: Oscar Schuler leads to Rome, the Department of Pharmacology at the University of San Marcos alcaoides for the content of his analysis. And he did very special for one reason: they had a terminal cancer cured by taking the tisane of cat's claw every day for 6 months. Dr. Montenegro Matta and his team of researchers found the following alcaliodes in the sample: pteropodina, isopteropodina, speciofilina, iso - mitrafilina and unacarina F. As this is not convinced them or what they believed enough to cure a terminal cancer and sought other active among the polyphenols found: epicatequina, procianidinas A, B1, B2, B4.

Klaus Keplinger patented in the U. S. oxindólicos six alkaloids isolated from the root of Uncaria tomentosa. Its patent number is: 4844901 / 4 julio / 89. Are considered stimulants of immunity, especially the isopteropodina - A.

The cat's Claw has come to isolate more than 50 active ingredients, among which are the glycosides oxindólicos acid quinóvico (a derivative of acid Ursola with carboxyl in the carbon 14 and 17) triterpenes, tannins, alkaloids Characteristic and sterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol) Among the alkaloids have oxindólicos pentacyclic: mitrafilina, isomitrafilina, pteropodina, isopteropodina, rincofilina, isorincofilina. If we examine the tripertenos polihidroxilados found: 3 - 6 - 19 - trihydroxy - Urs - en - oic 13; acid 23 - nor - 24 - oxometilen - 3 - 6 - 19 - Urs trihydroxy - 12 - en - 18 - oic 15. Among the polyphenols are derived from epicatequina and the procianidinas A, B1, B, B4. The alkaloids were isolated mainly by Wagner and his collaborators, while the acid glycosides quinóvico, the tripertenos and polyphenols were isolated by Aquino and his colleagues.

1978 Tympner method of amending the thesis Brand, consisting of provoking the attack by a yeast - lincofitos; the method of chemiluminescence - subsequent to phagocytosis in the same cells that become phosphorescent.

1984: Barbara Kreutzkamp publicly presented the results of their thesis in Munich. Barbara had found in Uncaria tomentosa active low molecular weight effects with immunostimulants.

1985: Keplinger and his colleagues investigated the effect described above immunostimulant and the possible interference with human red blood cells, with different bacteria. During that observation discovered that anti - inflammatory effects attributed to the alkaloids oxindólicos. But most who have studied in Munich, detailed the effects of these alkaloids is HILDEBERT Wagner, with investigations of bioassays with enzymes and primary cell cultures. It is in this year that are published studies on the alkaloids and the multiplier effect on phagocytosis. In Italy, in the cities of Naples and Salerno, are studied quinóvicos glycosides, the tripertenos and tannins, responsible for the anti - inflammatory action, antiviral, mutagenic and antimutagenic, antitumor, and so on.

1989: At the University of Medicine Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Costa Marco in mice studied the effect of gastric ulcers due to stress because of the Uncaria tomentosa.

1992: From 7 to October 12 of that year is celebrated in Salermo a congress devoted to the Uncaria tomentosa. Researchers come from various countries, Peruvian, German and Italian. The congress was praying with the following title: "I CONGRESS OF ITALIAN - TRADITIONAL MEDICINE PERUVIAN ANDEAN ANTONIO RAIMONDI. " Its president was Cabieses Fernando Molina, Peru and founder - director of INMETRO (Institute of Traditional Medicine) of Peru. Some impressions were of interest: according to A. Aquino and his associates increased polarity of the compounds are most active anti - virus RNA that encapsulated against non - encapsulated. Livia Bianchi of the Institute of General Pathology at the University of Pavia, explained: Extracts from the Unacaria tomentosa fight the presence of free radicals, which explains its anti - tumor action, anti - inflammatory and antimutagenic. The tests were conducted with 8 - metoxisolareno (8 - MOP) and strains of Salmonella thyphymurinum (TA102) with atuda of ultraviolet rays.

In Milan, Renato Rizzi, Department of Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Medical Toxicology at the University, has studied the antimutagenic action in urine of smokers. Patients Toama cat's claw for 15 days, examinándoseles urine before and after these 15 days. In addition to another group of smokers were also examined the urine. The result of the urine in smokers untreated urine was always positive, just the opposite of those treated with Uncaria tomentosa.

Giafranco Peluso, the Institute of Boiquímica protein, in Naples showed that the extracts of Uncaria tomentosa, clearly inhibit the proliferation of DNA polymerases, particularly alpha.

The main properties of Uncaria tomentosa are:

Immunostimulant: this is due to the alkaloids isomitrafilina and pteropodina. Increases the phagocytic activity of granulocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, and stimulates the production of linfoquinas. It also increases the number of monocytes in active stages in the peripheral circulation, up by 50%, at least after one week of treatment. Granulocytes increased by 60% its power phagocytic (test of Brand Zimosan particle) excerpts in the presence of 0. 01%. There is no change in the proliferation of T lymphocytes in normal conditions, there is growing peri in the presence of antigens. It is useful in cancer, AIDS, systemic candidiasis, herpes and several Kaposi's sarcoma.

Anti - inflammatory: thanks to quinóvicos glycosides. 15% higher than indomethacin. useful in rheumatoid arthritis diverse, bursitis, rheumatism, lupus and fibromyalgia.

Anti - free: effective in inflammatory processes, cancer, fever and exposure to ionizing radiation.

And cytostatic medicines antimutagenic: action due to isorincofilina. Inhibit DNA polymerases alpha. The cell mitosis H, L are reduced, while those of normal fibroblasts are not altered. useful in cancer, in vivo, preventing metastases.

Antiviral: especially against RNA viruses encapsulated. Useful against the AIDS virus HIV, herpes and genital herpes zoster, fridge, sinusitis, ear infections, vesicular stomatitis virus, conjunctivitis.

Detoxifying the digestive tract and decisive: It is very useful when conventional treatments fail in Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, fistulas, gastritis, ulcers, intestinal parasites, alterations of the intestinal flora, anal leakage.

Antalérgica: useful in neurobromquitis, lupus.

Desentoxicante of environmental toxins: effective in chronic fatigue, depression organic acne.

Anafrodisíaca for men: prostatitis useful in regulating the cycle mentrual, dysmenorrhea. But the tincture of Uncaria aphrodisiac is not to suffer the maceration a high temperature, as is the case in other preparations. The decoctions, therefore, have a contrary effect, ie anafrodisíaco.

Antiplatelet: Due to the rincofilina. It prevents strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, etc.

Protective red blood cell versus toxic.

Special thanks for the information to "FITOMÉDICA")


Used part: We used the bark, leaves and root.

We reported the existence of two species of the genus Uncaria in the Amazon.

Peru: The Uncaria guianense and Uncaria tomentosa.

Traditional medicine makes use of them for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation, cirrhosis, cancer tumors, diabetes, irregularity of menstrual cycle, is currently undertaking studies of this plant for the treatment of AIDS, among others.

Is contraindicated for pregnant women, since contraceptive properties are attributed to the leaves.

The Uncaria tomentosa, is a vine, from 18 - 19 meters in height, growing in high forests with abundant sunlight, to 500 - 600 meters. above sea level, its fruits are brown, the leaves are of primary reddish brown color.

Wagner of chemical research and collaborators reported the isolation of 6 alkaloids oxindólicos pentacyclic which are:

The Isopteropodina, the Pteropodina, the Mitrafilina, the Isomitrafilina, the Rinchofilina and Isorinchofilina.

The pharmacological tests have shown that the alkaloids isolated produce a large increase in phagocytosis (removal of harmful bacteria or bodies)

The aqueous extract or ethanol presents a cytostatic contraceptives and anti - inflammatory.

There is still much to learn from the Uncaria tomentosa, but the popular use is increasing, their properties are widely disseminated in the press oral and written and even more in the clinical treatment of hundreds of people who give their testimony to the healing effect that they have occurred.

They know about 60 species of Uncaria worldwide, mostly in Asia and Africa, many of them studied, but that apparently does not possess the properties that are attributed to the Peruvian species.

Forms of use:

Infusion, cooking, wines geriáticos, and capsules.

A short summary of the study of a Peruvian University:


We have described summarily laboratory testing to prove the facts and antiinflammatory actions of the immunostimulant Uncaria tomentosa, they all have a common fund, immunity, rather.

complex, but for the purpose of this theoretical work and with a didactic purpose, we divide these actions in only two therapeutic areas:

1. Anti - inflammatory action, and 2. Immunostimulant action.

1. Action antiinflammatory, tested at the Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology, in practice it is confirmed by the use given to it for many years and at present.

What is inflammatory disorders: arthritis in its various forms, bursitis (shoulder) prostatitis, tonsillitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, a range of diseases in which predominates the inflammation.

In all cases is obtained disappearance of pain and swelling or at least decrease their intensity. The duration of treatment depends on a recovery that is observed, can be extended without the express discomfort or side effects or collateral.

Expressed by the properties may be used in the treatment of organic disorders of geronto (senior) among others, arthritis, osteoarthritis, prostatitis and rheumatic ailments and inability muscle, typical of this phase of life.

It is used in the most basic as cooking and more advanced, industrially, in different forms: capsules containing 250 - 280 mg of powder; tincture to 20% from 65% in alcohol, pills and capsules containing 90 -

150 mg of freeze - dried aqueous extract.

The cooking is done in the following manner: 20 - 30 grams of shredded bark, chips or dust, placed on deposit with a liter of drinking water, boiled for 15 minutes; Slips and chilled, drink two glasses.

daily, a half hour before breakfast and another half - hour before lunch.

The indication for the capsule powder is 1 - 3 daily; for the freeze - dried and atomized, 1 daily. To the knowledge of the relationship between dye, and freeze - dried powder or spray, which is necessary for its due.

Administration teaspoon of tincture is equivalent to the contents of nearly 4 capsules of powder or a capsule containing 100mg of freeze - dried or spray.

The lyophilized product is the following procedure: the powder from the bark of Uncaria tomentosa is subjected to digestion in purified water at 85 º C for 30 minutes, filtered, concentrated by vacuum and low temperature;

filtering is subjected to freeze - dried, in a special team, it freezes at very low temperature and the course sublimates water at high vacuum left as a powder residue hygroscopic representing 6 - 10% of the dust of the employee.

Procedure is used in the preparation of many medicinal products: corticosteroids, antibiotics, serums, vaccines, and so on. and also food.

The spray is a product which follows the earlier steps: digestion, filtration and concentration then in special equipment (Spry - drying) is atomized into stream of hot air, leaving a powder residue similar to the previous one. It is also used procedure in the food industry in the preparation of instant coffee, milk powder, vegetable dyes, etc. As we can see the different forms of presentation vary in their content, but we are sure that there is no risk when used as the toxicological studies in animals facts given a far from negligible toxicity of the usual doses expressed. In any case the user adjusts its administration according to the result without any side effect.

2. Action immunostimulant As we have explained the action of the immune stimulant Uncaria tomentosa has been tested in the laboratory in vitro and in vivo in experimental animals is applied in parallel clinic and private clinics. Let's first see what the mechanism of immunity on mankind: there is blood in an initial barrier of defense against the aggression of agents formed by white blood cells or leukocytes that after an attack microbial, light or massive, raises her number sign with the fever over 37. 5 º C denounce the start of an infection, then rose a second barrier more aggressive and effective elements consisting of single - cell, T cells, called CD4 today, which is the origin.

thymus gland, then B lymphocytes from the bone marrow, they are secreting antibodies that ingest and destroy the invader or prevent their proliferation. In addition, monocytes give rise to macráfolos, which are.

mononuclear phagocytes, which together with neutrophils ingest and kill bacteria in particular Pyogenic. In the lab has also tested the action of empowering the Uncaria tomentosa on the macrophages.

Antibacterial Therapy. stimulating the immune defense system Uncaria tomentosa the cure and in many cases stop a disease Pyogenicum. We had the opportunity to observe this effect in children and adults suffer from infectious tonsillitis, in whom treatment with Uncaria tomentosa eliminates the infection together with its aftermath.

Antiviral Therapy. The virus is a microorganism not detectable with the usual microscopes (2000 increases) if it is with the electron microscope (1 000 000 increases) The virus leads to diseases (viral) Primary atypical pneumonia, measles, chickenpox, rubella, yellow fever, hepatitis, herpes, influenza, common cold. We recall that a high degree of personal immunity regulates their development and in some cases their recovery;

acyclovir, interferon immunoglobulin, and better than all these, its prevention by early administration of specific vaccines, which give the man a permanent or temporary immunity as appropriate. Through the use of the.

First, for many decades has been the eradication of smallpox and polio.

In general, the antiviral action is realized: a) inhibits the replication of the virus, and b) Encouraging the phagocytic action.

Antineoplastic therapy.

There is in the human body organ or tissue that can not be attacked by cancer, its etiology is not fully explained, only known to have an uncontrolled proliferation of cells in tissues.

as in the blood. The modern therapy consists primarily of surgical excision of the tumor formed after chemotherapy (oncology products) and radiotherapy. Pump Cobalt)

Today is a disease that is detected in time: Papanicolao (uterine cancer) and biopsies for other forms of cancer. There is a large group of medicinal product, oncofármacos for treatment, very.

expensive and they produce havoc in the patient ever increase the chances of cure, especially when diagnosis is early.

It's rather complex development of the disease is not known exactly where mechanism but tacitly accepting the participation of a oncovirus. In view of the Uncaria tomentosa on one side is a.

immunostimulant medicine) in the knowledge that the anticancer natives of the jungle give, you try to apply it in the treatment of this disease, and then exposed to the.

Peruvian versions of distinguished doctors who studied and applied in the clinic.

Dr. Mirez Melgarejo, in his work "medical Fitoterapia" conducted in 1988 presented at a symposium at the Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati says: "We have successfully treated cancer of the cervix, stomach, breast, lung,

pancreas, ovary, prostate, lymphoma, leukemia and rabdomasarcoma, but in many cases have been necessary if participation in the radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments, also with good results; voices.

also: use of Uncaria tomentosa is an alternative in the treatment of advanced cancer, it is natural that discipline is not opposed to another (those shown) to be his best adjuvant, shows no effect.

collateral and in any case clearly shows a significant antineoplastic effect. The best results were obtained in cancer: prostate, lymphoma, breast, ovaries, stomach rabdomosarcoma, and leukemia.

Dr. Jorge Aguilar Calderón former Dean, Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peruvian scientist dedicated to reassess natural medicine, is another of the health professionals who.

propels the use of cat's claw, which in his opinion strengthens the immune system.

Dr. William Smitt, Director of the Institute of Peruvian Andean Fitoterapia (IPIFA) said to The Business: "We do not believe that medicinal plants are miraculous but we take the stimulant properties.

the Uncaria tomentosa on the immune system very appreciated not only our country but abroad. He says besides having attended so many cases of cancer in the uterus, breast, prostate, stomach, lung and so on. I want to make clear, he continues, I do not want to create exaggerated expectations, not all cases have been cured, fortunately, 80% have had improvement and most importantly better quality of life, I observed decrease in pain and absence of side effects and whether any appeared as nausea was minimal.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Decoction: 2% for 20 minutes. Three or more cups a day.

Tincture (1: 1 th in solution of alcohol 70 degrees) 50 - 100 drops, one to three times a day.


Obregon, LE. Cat's claw "Cat's Claw. " Lima: Institute of Andean Fitoterapia, 1995, 144 pp.

Obregon, LE. Studies on the 'cat's claw " (Uncaria tomentosa) Natura Medicatrix, 1995; 37 - 78) 72 - 9.

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